From the start of the pandemic, and as a health professional, daily report of cases and mortality rates in England seemed doubtful to say the least. There were a number deaths, hospital beds in London were overwhelmed, most specifically ITU beds and of course there was a lack of ventilators. At that time, it seemed like there was an influx of unwell patients, diagnosed with #CoVid19 or #SarsCov2.
Although there was an emergency patient who died because we were unable to managed him appropriately due to a possible covid19 infection, I had not encountered any dying patient with the virus. My experience might just be different as we are an ITU step-down ward. As there is no elderly ward, most deaths would have occured in ITU.
But even with the daily death census in our hospital, it was still a lot lower compared to whatever was the total mortality rate reported in the social media. Personally, it was suspiciously hyped than the real number of deaths. In my practice, I've seen more deaths in an ordinary day before the pandemic as we received emergency heart attack and arrhythmia patients.
Not believing all those data, this recent video from Ivor Cummins is more believable as it shows data from Europe, US and worldwide. His explanations are also very simple.
I kind of love his explanation on how he termed it as #casedemics with the rampant testing that's going on worldwide, resulting to increasing positive cases. I wouldn't have minded these results if they show the real ITU admissions where these positives have severe symptoms.
If I have to believe same data where a positive person is either asymptomatic or showing mild symptoms, all these quarantine and draconian measures are just being implemented because one or few people have a cold.
The above images are just screenshots from the above video. I found them helpful in emphasizing his explanations of the epidemiology of Sars-Cov2. Also, if it is seasonal, it explains the small number of positives that's been occurring lately.
Wow. That was unexpected and extremely interesting. Thanks for posting! 😍
Gillian!! Hey, how have you been? Hope all is well? You're welcome.
Yeah. Good thanks. HadCovid right at the beginning of lockdown and still have sinus and taste issues but otherwise well.
I've enjoyed spending time with the family since restrictions were lifted and will miss that again come Monday.
How has your family fared at home?
Thank God u're OK.. that taste issue is long over-due.. don't u think.
Have had symptoms 2x already both times went on isolation. The taste issue I had it the last time, otherwise less symptoms than the 1st time.
Back home were OK, none had it.
I heard about Monday. Hope it won't last long.
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Cheers guys, did you read it? 😁