Greetings from Peru
Hello people, my name is Moises, yes I know, another South American unemployed, destroyer of joysticks, the terror of cockroaches but a friend of animals anyway.
Today I would like to share with you a little bit about what it is like to survive and avoid getting covi19 in a third-world country.
Not without first saying hi to the entire community and sending a lot of strength and hugs. Also please remember to stay 6 feet apart from people to take not only care of yourselves but also your loved ones to see each other again.
Impossible to forget the friends and family who passed away since all this began, may their souls rest in peace.
Well, I would like to clarify that I am not having such a hard time since I have food, a house, and internet, but that does not reduce the huge risk of getting sick at any time.
I know that each country has its problems, in Peru, one week before the presidential elections, any candidate had offered concrete proposals, on the contrary, most of them are prosecuted for corruption, as usual.
Now, Peruvian congressmen have ALLEGEDLY benefited businessmen who control the country in every possible way, as well as judges and prosecutors who release murderers and rapists. And unfortunately, me and my people are only waiting to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
The robberies and murders of Peruvians by foreigners have increased 200%, I can’t go out to buy something without thinking that maybe I would never return home.
And there’s more, for example here, we are on lockdown to avoid spreading the virus, unfortunately, in our third -world country, it’s a necessity to go to work day by day since we do not have a proper salary or payroll, 8 out of 10 Peruvians do not finish their education, and if we add that most of us do not have savings and a big family to provide for, then the situation becomes extremely difficult.
The Government makes fun of us by building expensive malls while many people in my country don’t have the basic requirements (water supply, health services, …)
On top of that, plenty of people do not believe in the covi19, so they don’t follow the guidelines and rules given, putting at risk to everyone around.
Meanwhile, I'm doing my part, I continue to take care of myself, I am not going out, only 1 time per week to purchase food or some supplies but is not enough.
This virus has been around for a while, so it would be great to contribute with something positive, through the internet, for those who live alone, who can't see their family (for work or quarantine), remember that there are people who can't return to their country as well, now that the airlines are closed, please stay strong.
This was just a small piece of what we can all do, and if you need to share your thoughts or feelings here, that would be great, because not all of us live with someone else, so using this as a way to communicate with each other will be a tool and a reminder that we are not alone.
For the next post, I will upload a photo and I will continue letting you know how the situation is going on in my country, thank you very much for reading, I wish you nothing but the best and take care.
Thank you.
Saludos desde Perú
Hola gentita, mi nombre es Moises, si si otro sudamericano sin empleo, destructor de joysticks, domador de cucarachas y amigo de los animales xD
Hoy me gustaria compartirles un poco de lo que significa sobrevivir y evitar contagiarse del covi19.
No sin antes saludar a toda la comunidad y mandar muchisimas fuerzas y abrazos, con 2 metros de distancia, para seguir compartiendo momentos con nuestros seres queridos.
Imposible olvidar a los amigos y familiares que fallecieron desde que empezo todo esto, pronto nos volveremos a ver.
Pues bien, desearia aclarar que no la estoy pasando tan mal, ya que tengo comida, casa e internet, pero, eso no reduce el riesgo increible de contagio que tenemos a diario.
Yo se que cada pais tiene sus problemas, en Perú, a 2 semanas de las elecciones presidenciales, ningun candidato ofrece propuestas o planes de trabajo concretos y por el contrario la mayoria tiene denuncias y procesos de corrupcion, lo mismo de siempre.
Ahora, nuestros padres de la patria SUPUESTAMENTE solo se dedican a beneficiar empresarios, que controlan el pais, tambien a jueces y fiscales que liberan asesinos y violadores, y para el pueblo solo esperanzas al final del tunel.
Los robos y asesinatos de peruanos por extranjeros se intensifico al 200%, practicamente no puedo ir a comprar solo que posiblemente regrese muerto, y es aqui en donde empieza el tema a debatir, la cuarentena.
Si bien la cuarentena es recomendable para evitar los contagios, lamentablemente, en nuestro pais tercermundista, vivimos en una realidad donde obligatoriamente tenemos que salir a trabajar dia por dia ya que no tenemos un sueldo fijo ni planilla, de cada 10 peruanos 8 no terminan su educacion, y si adicionamos que no tienes ahorros y cuentas con varios hijos, pues la situacion se pone muy dificil.
El estado se burla de nosotros construyendo shopping malls carisimos cuando seria recomendable y beneficioso abastecer de agua y programas de alimentacion para los mas vulnerables.
Tambien sobran los que no creen en el covi19, no usan las mascarillas, no respetan la distancia, salen a divertirse en gran numero, estornudan y tosen a tu costado sin taparse la boca, no se desinfectan y no piensan vacunarse, aunque esto ultimo si es debatible ya que no sabemos que tanta es la eficacia de la vacuna comprada por el gobierno.
Por mi parte, sigo cuidandome, trato de no salir mucho, solo 1 vez para las compras semanales y cumplo con todo el protocolo sanitario, mas no es suficiente.
Este virus tiene para rato, asi que seria buenisimo aportar algo positivo, a través de internet, para aquellas personas que viven solas, no ven a su familia (por trabajo o cuarentena), recuerden que hay personas que no pudieron regresar a su pais ya que las aerolineas cerraron, mucha fuerza para ellos, y por ultimo a todos nosotros que simplemente necesitamos compartir con el resto.
Esto solo fue un pequeño pedazo de lo que todos podemos hacer, y si necesitan converzar o simplemente poner lo que sienten, seria estupendo.
No todos vivimos con alguien y es por eso que la comunicacion sera nuestro apoyo para los que realmente necesiten ser escuchados.
Para el proximo post subire una foto y tratare de resumirles como va la situacion en mi pais, muchisimas gracias por llegar hasta aqui, les deseo lo mejor y sigan con buena salud, un abrazo.