(of course my post on that topic was downvoted to zero on Hive, because.. er.. free speech!?)
Doing my best to not be confrontational. Just being honest. The actions of a few do not represent Hive as a whole. You're knocking down those of us who are proponents of free speech in its various forms when you word things that way. I suggest if you have a problem, focus on the root of it. No need to cut down the entire tree. If a branch is blocking your view, trim that one. Leave the rest intact. It's a still a beautiful tree. Even if it has flaws and the dogs urinate on it sometimes. It's still nice to have around.
I have reason to believe you're only a proponent of free speech when it's convenient for you. For instance, if I speak to you, you silence me with the mute button. I'm not a fan of double standards but I will not call you names or insult you. This is an issue you need to sort out with yourself, on your own.
As for Canada. As a Canadian, just know, not many people like that guy 'in charge'. Especially out west where I'm from. I personally prefer to avoid modern politics though. So that's all I have to say about that. Much like the actions of a few here do not represent us all. Same story when it comes to governance in Canada. That guy is not every Canadian.
I simply said I was heavily downvoted, I didn't blame the whole of Hive for that. Obviously for the downvotes to make much of a difference I had to be heavily upvoted first, which I was. However, the problem of heavy downvoting by 1/2 accounts can only be countered by community organisation - which there is not enough of. I am working quite a lot to resolve that but there is a lot of apathy.
I suggest never believing anything at all since beliefs are guesswork and misleading. I am a proponent of free speech for all - even going further than most free speech advocates. If you listen to the technical theory of free speech then you will find that there is an inherent problem that is not simple to solve. If you work to allow, for example, Nazi groups to have full free speech, then they tend to use it to try to build power that they will ultimately use to suppress free speech.. So free speech has to be considered in light of strategy to sustain it as much as possible. I mention this mostly to show that I pay a lot of attention to the topic - more than most.
Along with free speech, we also have the right to freedom of association - it's a fundamental part of free will. While some people say 'I might not agree with what you say, but I will fight to the death for your right to say it' - I also point out that if there is disagreement on what is being said, we all have the right not to listen. Free speech is not a right to force others to listen. However, I do generally listen to all comments and voices - muting very, very few people. In your case, you continually bordered on trolling at times that I was very busy and needing to focus on important things - so I chose to manage my time effectively by trying to mute you. Your view of me is very limited and often wrong - there is a huge amount to me that is not mentioned on Hive or you would have to read back through older blogs to find out about.
Good, I imagine you are right. The problem is that his actions are dangerous to a level I rarely see and yet I have seen minimal to no push back. Maybe it's because Canada is so large and people are so spread out compared to England - where people don't find it hard to push themselves in tens of thousands right to the door of the prime minister. That being said, there are times when 'leaders' go too far for even protesting to be enough. What should Germans have done who saw and felt Hitler for what he was before he had committed atrocities? I feel that people such as Trudeau fit in that category.