Politicians, mainstream medical "experts" and the media all claim that there are no proven early treatments for Covid-19, but is this true? Of course not. So what is really going on and why? Is this the Achilles heal of the narrative?
I think it is, and I think we need to press this issue because the push for mandated vaccines and vaccine passports depends on a lack of effective early treatments. It is also key because it doesn't have to be an either or debate. Early treatments can save the lives of both non-vaccinated and vaccinated.
Hear is the summary and sources for the video:
No Lockdown Sweden saw lower 2020 death spike than much of Europe
Multiple meta analysis show that Ivermectin Works. No it isn't just horse paste.
Ivermectin Real Time Meta Analysis
American Journal of Therapeutics Meta AnalysisHydroxychloroquine is also an effective early treatment for Covid-19.
Of course there are many other options as well, just not as thoroughly researched.
Dr. Zelenko's Early Treatment Protocol from over a year ago.
Many countries are already deploying Early Treatment Kits that include Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine.https://ivmstatus.com/
Alberta Health Services is basically a criminal organization at this point. They don't deploy early treatments or check Covid-19 positive people for secondary bacterial infections. They just tell you to wait at home until you are in dire condition.
https://myhealth.alberta.ca/Journey/COVID-19/Pages/Assessment.aspx https://www.albertahealthservices.ca/assets/info/ppih/if-ppih-ncov-2019-public-faq.pdf
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