Someone got infected who came to our home few days back
Three hours back, my wife started comlaining about severe bodeache - something unusual as she said. And with that, she also has severe throat iritation. This followed up after we heard yesterday about our close family member ( her maternal uncle) being tested positive. He came to our house 4 days back and was tested positive yesterday. He has developed complications, but not very critical though. Going through all the medication and staying isolated.
So I had to decide what should be done. It's difficult to decide in such cases - we feel the pinch, when it comes to our own family or self. Called various friends, some even doctors and everyone told, it's better to do a test. I advised her to stay isolated till we decide the next steps. Some advised to take her to a hospital. Kids being at home, it's difficult to handle the situation, as they get more panic. My daughter was more worried about how they will stay without her and what they will eat. After talking to several friends, I got a nearby lab contact, who take the sample for both antigen and RTPCR test. So I called in them and he came and did the antigen test half an hour back. Thank God, the report came negative as you can see in this video. I also enquired about how a positive report looks like and he shared a image with me.
In case of positive, there would be two lines like the above. I also enquired if we should go for a RTPCR or not, and he said its not needed as the antigen is 80% accurate. We will still be watchful to see any development - she does not have fever yet, but as per doctors with whom I spoke, they said, she should be watchful about any unusual things - like loss of taste or smell or any breathing complication. The doctors have advised antibiotic and pain killers still. The only peace of mind we have is that, we both have taken the vacination ( double doses). But still kids are at risk.
I hope things will be fine, but let's see - if she feels ok by tomorrow.
▶️ 3Speak
It is really hopeful news that the report came back negative. But even then I think your kids should be a little more careful. Although you both took two doses. So be a little careful about the kids. Because of the sudden change of seasons during this time many people are getting sick. I don't think there is anything deep in it. Hopefully mam will get well soon.
Ya, still prevention is better than cure. Thank you so much for your kind words.
Thank you too
As someone that just left covid, and i almost lose my mother and my father from it, please take all measures and isolate your family from others, try your best not to lose any family member, and keep a close watch on the health of your wife and yourself, i negledted myself initially and it was until i was coughting up blood, that i realiced i had to watch my own health.
Keep a close watch friend, and avoid losing the fight with the disease.
Yes, keeping a close eye - she seems to be feeling better today morning. Doctors say, it could be viral as well but its always better to prevent than cure.
How are you family right now, is she the only one with simptons? How are the kids, and you?
Covid spread fast if left alone, be carefull :)
Things are better now, may be she did not have Covid as the antigen came negative. She is much better now, and me and kids are not affected at all.
Hope is just some viral stuff and not covid, big hug for all your family and the creator bless you all :)
Thank you so much, she has almost recovered - so definitely was some viral stuff due to change in climate as the winter is finally appearing.
I get the similar kit from the office for self covid testing and companies are following it strictly to ensure safety. For sure safety is better than cure.
I felt the trick to collect that swab is not everyone can do - that is where we need help.
Please take all the care..May she get well soon.!!
Yes, yes, I am the only one in charge now. Thank you so much.
If both doses of vaccination is taken then complication does not grow and recovery start happening quickly. Unfortunately we have to live with covid but please always remember to take vitamin C sourced food and drink hot tea of fenugreek ( Methi) which helps to rejuvanate from throat infection as well control diabetes which increaae bit because of covid . I have seen covid closely as my dad got infected last year and not he is fine. So don't worry ,stay calm and take the basic diet and medicine .everything will be all right. god bless
fenugreek ( Methi) would be a nice add
Bad news. Wishing her a fast recovery. Hope it´s not covid. The latest mutations look sinister...
Ya, on watch list - she has recovered a bit since yesterday - hope should be able to take charge by tomorrow.
The best thing is not to panic and hope for the best. You have already got the test done and it being negative that's a big hope here. Take due care.
Yes, watching over...if it gets bad, then we will get the RTPCR done.
May the creator bless you and your family!
Corona virus is a very deadly virus. May Allah protect us all from it. My brother has also been suffering from this virus. It is very difficult for the family.
How are you dear friend @sanjeevm good day
I am very sorry for the situation that you had to go through until you were able to take the test, very happy that you have tested negative.
I hope his wife recovers from her sore throats soon
It is very true, you have to be very attentive and take good care of yourself
Enjoy a beautiful afternoon
Thank you so much - hope she gets well from here - we have cases where people tested positive even after being negative in the first test. Hopefully, it will be negative for her. Having two kids at home, its very challenging if it gets worse.
I'm sure everything will be fine, you'll see
Yes, with the children at home it will undoubtedly be a more complex situation.
Everything will be fine
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My wife got it in the lunchroom at work, there were several people there suffering from Covid-19 and they didn't find out until after they tested everyone there that day. Thank God the oxygen saturation levels in my wife's case were normal. I had to learn to face one of my greatest fears, injecting a person. In this case she was given dexamethoxone by injection. Stay by your wife's side and take care of her, everything will be fine.
Coronavirus is a dangerous virus. Try to avoid it and take care of your family