in COVID-193 years ago (edited)


COVID-plans in Russia were decisive and serious - they plan to make injections for 60% of population till September, 1st.
The propaganda was very active, and they create all possible pressure and advertising in mass-media to realize these plans.


Legally, people can reject from injections, but in fact, it's rather hard to keep your previous way of life and job ignoring it. Pressure and making this decision "free" but dictated by the current conditions were done perfectly well.


Moreover, all possible conditions to make vaccinations easy and comfortable for citizens were created. They transformed a serious medical procedure in something light and easy. Just like to go to the shop. VAccination centers were created ANYWHERE - at the bus stations, in the markets, in the shops, and even in the streets - a vaccination bus visit different city districts every day!

you're 60+ - make vaccionation NOW!

Stop being afraid! Make vaccination!

How mane people should die to make you be vaccinated?

a famous Russian actor ad calls for vaccination

A BUS that is used for vaccination!

Do they ask about your health? NO.
Do they pay attention at your diseases that can make Stop for injections? NO.
They don't care about anything - they need to make +1 in their vaccination list. That's it.

It's sad that not all people still are aware of what is going on.
BUT there is great news!
My region - Crimea is the best in process of ignoring vaccination:)
It's on the last place in Russian list of regions according to the number of vaccinated people.
Crimean people are really wise!
Only 40% less than a half agreed to make Covid-injections.

And in general Russia is on the 10th place in the list of countries that use Covid-vaccination.

Russia is on the 10th place.
The USA are the leader.

Authorities are lost. Something went wrong. Too many people have awoken.
Plans are being ruined.


Glad to hear they haven't mandated it or tried to.....yet
Are you hearing about deaths and adverse reactions? We don't hear anything about how Sputnik V is doing here the the US, just the horror stories of the current jabs that are available

of course, there are hundreds of stories, but officialy mass-media don't make them open for citizens, but the truth always finds the way out. Especially now.

It's good to hear that a large number of Russians in your area never took the shots.

thanks for attention, Linda!
Yeah, it's great, and, actually, I was surprised that SO many people ignore it, because they really made their best to realize the plans. I am happy to know people have turned on their consciousness.

That is a good sign and I hope that similar signs are seen in other regions and countries as well. The fact is that majority of the people are so badly brain washed that they can literally do anything to get the vaccination

oh, yes, like sheep..they don't THINK at all. They just listenand do what they are said to do.
it's horrible even to live near them. People who don't think are dangerous.

I shared this on LinkedIn, and it's already getting quite a lot of attention.

By the way, is there any rural real estate available in Crimea? Asking for a friend...

yes, sure, there is much of rural real estate in Crimea in any city here. Each city is surrounded by huge amounts of rural lands and villages.
Who is going to get real estate here?:) For rest?

My mother wants to retire there. It's the only place in Russia that's warm enough for her.

yeah, climate here is rather warm. And Sochi is warm too btw.
But why have you chosen Russia? if it's not s secret;)

I've been looking to move back for years now, it's just a matter of where. I've narrowed it down to St. Petersburg (where I'm originally from) or Murmansk, since I have a friend who lives just across the Norwegian border in Alta. I like the cold, if you couldn't guess. My mother doesn't, and she wants to move because anywhere in America that has nice weather is either too expensive, too restrictive, or a war zone.

St. Petersburg and Murmansk are both in the north, and they are cold yeah. Southern cities are better for sure.
Now something strange is happening with climate and weather (just like with everything in the world...) but here the weather are warmer for sure. And Sochi is noce too, it has tropical climate, it's even warmer than Crimea (as a rule).