in COVID-193 years ago (edited)

Today it's a historically important day for Covid-19 history in Russia.
2 years passed, and early we took wearing of masks as something terrible - and actually it is - but what is happening now is much more terrible..

a man is holding an ad: I can bring some food from a cafe or a restaurant for those, who doesn't have QR-code

This pic appeared long ago, and people laughed because nobody believed it would be REALITY in 2021.


A new rule has been "turned on" today.
According to it PEOPLE WITHOUT QR-code that is given to those who have got 2 injections already can't visit all organisations for leisure, beauty, sport, rest, food, buying clothes or other household goods.


So for now only food markets are still open, but who knows what will be...
Transport is still free to use, and it's strange too, no logics at all, but there is none of it in anything touching this virus.
If people don't have the code, they must have a test for C-19 or a document that proves he was sick not before 6 months ago.
if you don't have anyting, and you're NOT vaccinated, you'll meet closed door almost anywhere.

People are lost. People are in panic. People are angry. And owners of those forbidden organisations as well because it's clear - it will kill their business fast.

It was top of pressure that was increasing from month to month.
People were threatened to lose their working places, they got money penalties, but the level of vaccination especially in my region was very low.
And this rule has become "a cherry on a pie".

Anyway, there are a lot of official docs where black letters on a white sheet of paper show that all these restrictions are just recomendations, not laws, but in fact, people can't ignore them...

There are many people who still are strong and powerful to say NO to all these taboos, and they keep their decision to stay unvaccinated in any case.
And even now people try to make jokes and laugh.
It's a photo from our city community in the social web

The joke is that vodka is called "Vaccine", and now it's fall, and it's time for this Kerch fish, it's a local tradition to eat it in fall, so local people call this photo "it's our vaccination":>

But there are those who failed under the pressure, and the number of vaccinated people has increased much. In summer vaccination points were empty. Now people fight and wait for the injection like for Heaven.


and the most awful is that society is absolutely splitted. And attitude of those parts to each other is VERY agressive. Especially of those who are For vaccination.
I saw the same situaton with kids vaccination.
Mothers who make injctions to their kids were ready to kill those who don't. And those who don't make injections, just ingore and in kost cases kept calm and peaceful.

Now it's the same but with covid-19.
Vaccinated people are very agressive to those who don't support their point of view.
Why is it so? maybe deep inside they feel they are wrong and just don't let anybody else say it to them?

In any case the situation is more awful from day to day.
I know people try to make petitions and videos for the president to pay his attention to people's reaction, but whether it will work or not, I don't know...
Now people try to keep calm, keep peace inside and don't let chaos enter their Universe. I am trying it too.


I am sorry to hear that this is happening where you live.
It has happened here too where I am. It is hard to believe what our world has come to, and that so many people think it is acceptable to treat their neighbours as second-class citizens.

Is it the same in Canada? almost all countries have the same, but still there are examples where active protests were held. Actually, I am surprised that our people still do nothing. There are many of those who support this trash, but the number of those who don't, has increased as well. Maybe it's not the hot point still....

And yes, Linda, you're right - people have become enemies to each other. When I got this news, I was absolutely lost, because now I don't know where it will lead all of us...Better to say, I do know, and it frightens me. The world now is not the world where we all would like to live, and not the place where we wanna our kids to grow. It makes me sad and angry, because someone else has decided how I and we all will live. I do understand these restrictions will be even worse soon, and I don't know what can stop it and when. But I do belive the evil will be destroyed. I wanna believe. Now it's a new epoch and new time, and I do believe it's time of changes for better. Even if we have to tolerate all this hell absurd...

Thank YOU for attention and support!!

fish season

and the price is good - 1.5dollars per kilo
though in Kerch there are tons of it, and it should cost much less

Yes Now it's time for fish, if we're here, now it's time for bluefish

Спасибо за понимание. Я не думал, что глупый Запад имеет такое большое влияние в Крыму. Мне очень нравится полуостров. Стойте твердо и позвольте людям решать самим. Однако российская вакцина - это настоящая вакцина, в то время как на Западе экспериментальная генная терапия проводится путем инъекций. Каждый должен сам решить, как долго он хочет жить.

а людям решать самим как раз никто и не дает.

У каждого есть выбор. Только глупые люди позволяют другим решать за них.

таки да. полностью согласна.

Greetings, by the way, I work in a fish restaurant, so I understand a little about fish.

oh, are you a cooker?
I live in the city washed by seas, so fish is our main food here

No, I'm not the chef, I'm the chef of the restaurant.

Where do you live, what fish are there at the moment, what is the season now?

By the way, can I ask you a few questions? I'm posting, but usually the bot doesn't vote, why am I doing something wrong? By the way, I'm very old in the hive community, I took a long break.

which bot?

When I say bot, I can't get votes, that's why I said it. I can't get votes from voting carators

why?maybe you should connect to guys in discord?

Fish in the hide may be better just pan or deep fat.