This new video from the International Crimes Investigative Committee looks at how the COVID shots can cause microclots in the brain that cause personality changes and brain damage in recipients. The video includes 3 Doctors, a microbiologist, a legendary psychiatrist (responsible for ending the brutal and psychopathic use of lobotomy) and also Dr. Naomi Wolfe.
All participants concur that there is an agenda at play that is resulting in a zombification and mass cull of humanity via the 'vaccines'.
I cannot stress enough that the patterns being described here are 100% expected, based on the many deep dives that I and 1000s of other have done into health/history/self/politics over the last few decades.
I have spent most of this year caring for my now deceased Father, whose health rapidly declined after receiving his 2nd Covid injection.
The clinical pheneomena described in this video is exactly what I saw in my Dad and not only that, the literal zombification and cold / aggressive mindset that I found in a terrifying number of 'healthcare' staff along the way is also attributed to the shots in this video.
Please watch, share, ask questions and share widely.
Mirrored from: ICIC
▶️ 3Speak
I am so very sorry for your loss.
This evil grieves me and makes me angry.😡
My most recent poem is about how they are killing infants with this garbage.
Thank you for raising awareness.

Thankyou, you are welcome. I was warned by spirit of this agenda many years ago and, sadly, none of it is unexpected. I spent about 15 years of my life attempting to warn people and educate but the majority of people are too unconscious to receive the intent or the message. Let's focus on healing, balancing and evolving ourselves!
I'm so sorry about your father. How many of us have gone through something similar? I've been hoping that as more of us experience this, more of us will become aware. But this video makes me fear that if the caregivers or ithers involved have been injected, they will not be able to make the connection.
I have seen personality changes in some of my injected friends and family. My sister, particularly, has become very unstable, prone to excessive anger over very small things. Another friend has gone the other direction, and nothing bothers her, ever.
Still watching the video
Thankyou. I had seen from early on that there was a strange lack of response to the obvious problems being caused. The brain damage hypothesis absolutely explains this, unfortunately. We have long had a problem on earth with masses of people having undiagnosed mental illness, holding positions of power and making terrible decisions while blaming everyone but themselves. Now we have this times 1000, plus a huge wall of denial that says it couldn't possibly be so. I pray that there are sufficient scientists and doctors with sufficient resources to prove that this is what is happening.
Oh there are sufficient doctors and scientists to prove this, but that makes no difference if zombies are unable to consider anything outside of what they already know/think. Rigid is a good word to describe the believers in this cult. Anyone who was STUPID enough to go get an injection of an experimental treatment that had not been tested on humans, or tested successfully at all really, was already in the grips of the con. Injected so that their mental capacities are disabled to any extent was bound to send them deeper into the cult.
Are you talking about me?
what on earth is your problem with me? Sometimes I think you are a real human, then you pull something like this.
Just got to the bit of how the jab disables the capacity to love! OMG. They become truly inhuman.
My previous @v4vapp proposal has expired. I have a new one which is running but unfunded right now. I'm still running @v4vapp and all my other services but I may have to increase the 0.8% fee to 2.0% if I continue to be unfunded.
Please consider asking your friends to vote for prop #244 or consider unvoting the HBD stabilizer explained below.
For understandable reasons in the current crypto climate it is harder to get funded by the DHF, I accept this so I'm asking a wider audience for help again. I will also redraft this proposal with more details (coming soon). I'm also looking for other funding sources.
Additionally you can also help with a vote for Brianoflondon's Witness using KeyChain or HiveSigner
If you have used I'd really like to hear your feedback, and if you haven't I'd be happy to hear why or whether there are other things you want it to do.
Hey Brian, I'm a bit confused by the Proposal cutoff. It used to be that the return proposal was the cutoff for funding, but looking in PeakD I see that it looks like you are right and that the return proposal is pointless - with the HBD proposal being the cutoff. When did this happen!? I have never heard it mentioned before.
Наверное бы стоило указать конкретную вакцину. А то знаю много людей, кто делал прививки вакцинами от COVID и с ними все в порядке. Так же непонятно, люди просто делали укол вакцины или же переболели COVID. Сложно вот так сходу поверить в зомбирование населения, ведь население это налоги - доход государства, его защита. Если бы правительство истребляло своё население, было бы весьма странно.
If you study eugenics you will find out that the goal is to liquidate 'unproductive' members of society, such as the eldery, disabled or even overweight. Basically, the aim is to depopulate in order to 'optimise' (though this does not work). In addition to this, there is a less well understood motivator, which is the unconscious programming within some people that psychopathically holds intent to kill as a way to prevent emotion being felt.
Your help would be much appreciated to keep the HiveSQL service free for the Hive community.
You can do it on Peakd, Ecency, or using HiveSigner.
Thank you for your support!Dear @ura-soul, sorry to jump in a bit off topic but may I ask you to support the HiveSQL proposal?
Sure, done!