The Orwellian 'contact tracing' idea that provides masses of data on people's private movements to whoever happens to get hold of it 'for your safety' - has taken a new twist in New Zealand. The pet store 'Animates' has been shown to be refusing entry to anyone who will not provide personal details to them for their records! Their agent in this video states that this is in line with the NZ government's policies, despite the NZ government's own webpage stating differently. It seems this is just an 'error' on the part of the shop in question, what do you think?
Wishing you well,
Ura soul
My post on the mark of the beast:
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@corbettreport called this 3 weeks ago on this video.
We really need to stop using their flowery language to describe this Orwellian practice. Call it Cattle tagging, it's much more apt.
Boycott any stores who try that and "air them out". Good find @ura-soul ;)
I like how the man defended his rights...people need to do that anywhere
that BS pops up.
The Covid merry go round never sleeps. 1984 here we come. They will be asking us to do a blood test and submit our entire genetic lineage next to buy a bag of nails. Where will it end?
I saw a video a while ago from China where people literally have to present ID to buy large knives and then on top of that the knives are laser etched with a barcode tying them to the person who bought them!
New Zealand has the same mental illness that Canada does known as Liberalism in their pop culture, Trudeau and the goof bitch who is in charge of New Zealand both should suck each other off in prison for violating peoples freedoms.
They are both libtard trannies....
Lol they got a sex change from conservative to liberal.