Thanks and thanks for letting me know about your situation with the downvotes. You may be unaware, but I have had most of my posts Zeroed on Hive since October. In my case there has been zero real jutification given beyond a loose 'you don't know shit about science'. I invited Curangel to provide any kind of evidence whatsoever that what I have been saying is wrong, yet they have failed 100% to even attempt to do so. As with your case, most people can see that the downvoters are not being motivated by legitimate concerns and are carrying out some kind of agenda which has nothing to do with growing Hive. Who knows, maybe they are even double agents seeking to trash Hive from within, in order to promote Steem! lol.
Either way, you are right, many people are withdrawing support for Hive due to their reckless and stupid behaviour.
Here are a variety of relevant links to articles I have written. I have also created a dApp to track downvotes called the untrending report:
When Is a Censor Not A Censor? The Wider Implication of Downvote/Cancel Culture on Hive.
How Many Of My Upvoters Are Actively Using Hive? (Addressing Downvote Cancel Culture on Hive)
Your Comments On The Cancel Culture And Zeroing of Viral Posts on Hive By Curangel.
NEW Hive dApp: Hive Alive | Includes a 1st For Hive -> The UnTrending Report To Track Downvotes.