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RE: El espíritu de Domingo Antonio Sánchez

in Spooky Zone • 5 months ago

But what a good story!!!!! I stayed like that 😨 Did all that really happen? It's good that they came across two ghosts willing to help, how crazy... I imagine they had a mix of emotions between fear and relief, I don't know... tell me what you felt afterwards? I was shocked ha

Pero que buen relato!!!!! Me quede así 😨 ¿En serio paso todo eso? Que bueno se cruzaron con dos fantasmas dispuestos a ayudar que locura... me imagino que tuvieron una mezcla de emociones entre miedo y alivio nose... dime que sentiste luego? Me quede impactada ja


Hehehe yes. All that was real. At first when they arrived it seemed a little strange, because we really did not feel that they were right in front of us and besides a hearse, it made noise. However, we did not think at that moment that it could be spirits but two people who stopped to help or that they could rob us.

When we saw that their intention was to support us at that moment, the tension was reduced, but when we noticed that one of the "gentlemen" had no legs, we were very impressed, we did not believe it. Until later we saw them dressed in white and disappear. It was an incredible experience that still makes my skin crawl when I remember it. I think they were two entities with a light and protective energy that came to take care of us.

Jejeje sí. Todo eso fue real. Al principio cuando llegaron nos pareció algo raro, porque de verdad no sentimos que estaban justo delante de nosotros y aparte un carro fúnebre , nos hizo ruido. Sin embargo, no pensamos en ese momento que podía ser unos espíritus si no dos personas que se pararon a ayudar o que nos podían robar.

Al ver qué su intención era apoyarnos en ese momento, la tensión bajo, pero cuando notamos que a uno de los "señores" no se le veían las piernas, nos impresionamos muchísimo, no lo creíamos. Hasta que más adelante los vimos vestidos de blanco y desaparecer. Fue una experiencia increíble que aún cuando la recuerdo se me eriza la piel. Pienso que fueron dos entidades con una luz y energía protectora que llegaron a cuidarnos.