On Halloween night

in Spooky Zone3 months ago



On Halloween night, the rebellious boy disobeys his parents and goes out into the street in search of candy, but what he finds is something much more frightening.

Wandering alone in a dark alley, he hears a sinister voice calling out to him:

-Come here little one, I won't leave you until you get your candy.... Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

A maniacal and irritating laugh that chills his blood. The little boy starts running in terror, feeling an evil presence chasing him relentlessly. He runs and runs until he finally reaches his house, banging on the door in desperation.

When his parents open the door, they are met with a chilling sight: their son is drenched in cold sweat, tears are streaming down his face, and his wild eyes reflect an indescribable terror. The little boy is speechless with horror, unable to utter a word.

The next morning, when he regains his speech, he tells them of his terrifying encounter with the evil entity in the alley. His parents, horrified, punish him by locking him in his room 24 hours a day, with no friends or outings.

But the boy's ordeal did not end there. Every night he is tormented by nightmares in which that mocking and grotesque laughter haunts him relentlessly. And every time he goes to school, he can't help but look down that gloomy alley, fearing that the creature will emerge from the shadows to claim him.

Over the years, the trauma became unbearable. The now young boy began to hallucinate, seeing deformed shadows in every dark corner. Until one fateful night, while eating dinner with his family, he dropped his fork and looked at his wife with wild eyes.

-She's here! The laughter! I can hear it! -he cries out, unhinged.

His wife rushes to his aid, but he has already lost his mind. Maddened, he attacks her with a knife from the table, and in his delirium ends up killing his two young children as well.

The police find him the next day, sitting in the corner of the darkened room, rocking and laughing disturbingly, repeating, ‘I won't leave you until you've had enough:

-I won't leave you until you get your candy..... Ha ha ha ha ha!

Apparently, whatever the boy had found that fateful Halloween night, it never left him. The curse haunted him until it consumed his sanity... and his soul.

 3 months ago  

Wow, pobre muchacho, esa noche de Halloween lo condeno y vivio perseguido por quien sabe que entidad maligna y termino cometiendo un acto atroz 😲 ¡Escalofriante relato!

  • Por otro lado, te quiero dejar un consejo que te puede ser util y evitarte inconvenientes, puedes usar imagenes 100% libres de derechos de autor por la pagina de Pixabay, te sera mucho mas facil.

¡Muchas gracias por compartir tu relato en el averno! 👻

 3 months ago  

How in a small moment our lives can be ruined forever, right? How horrible, my God, and now they will call him crazy.

Como en un pequeño instante se nos puede arruinar la vida para siempre ¿No? Que horror dios mío y ahora lo tacharan de loco.

zona de escalofrios (2).jpg

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 3 months ago  

Ohh... something demonic haunted him so much that it possessed him. Terrifying story, very good job! 💕