in Hive Pets3 days ago


Catching birds and mice is what I’m best at,
A cat – soft and fluffy. A noble cat I am!
Test my patience and you’ll know I’m deadly,
Servant humans clean my litters and rub my belly.


There goes the little acrostic poem I wrote for my love for cats. The only beings I’m willing to serve. I am not exaggerating it I’m telling you. I see myself as a total cat lady, if you know me, that’s a fact that cannot be hidden. These felines occupy a huge percentage not only of my phone gallery but of my heart as well.


I am in love with their whole being, from their ears that goes on airplane mode when irritated, their little teeths, nose, and chin. Their sparkling set of eyes that widen when something caught its interest, their furry dumpling cheeks that I fill with kisses.



Their tiny paws that knead bisquits and sharp claws which does the pinches and scratches. Their belly that works as baits to trick their hoomans and their tails that give the signals of love and hatred.


Now, you’ve failed to escape their little scheme and have fallen deeper under their paws. You are left with no choice, but to go on with the reading and get to know their royal highnesses.


Meet her royal highness, the queen of litters, Churchy the Ginger! She’s the mother of all, filled with grace and attitude.


She loves her chimken and her special spot on top of the cabinet. She doesn’t like being disturbed neither by her hoomans nor by her children.


No one dares to make her take her bath cause if one does, they’ll have a taste of the queens smacks either on the head or right straight on the face. I have been there!


Meet the princes; Hoochu and Hobi. One full ginger and one with some white on its belly. Hoochu’s the cool one,he rizzes every cat lady in the neighborhood. Meanwhile, Hobi’s the silly-looking one haha, nevertheless, both are adorable.



Hoochu loved to be carried in his sleep. Drowning my face on his belly is my favorite thing to do. His smell gives comfort to my tired soul. However, I lost him. We did. But his lovely memories remain in our hearts and will always be.


Here’s Hobi, he loves sticking his tongue out, he looks adorably dumb hahaha. It has been our task to give his belly a rub, he loves it. And if we won’t, his highness would give us the loudest meow he could.




He’ll follow you around wherever you go and like a baby would cry if can’t find his hooman’s shadow.


And now here comes the princesses : Yukichi the white one and Kopichi the calico. They got their mother’s attitude and beauty. Their royal highnesses are filled with naughty schemes.


Kopi like stealing garbages and would smack you on the hand if you stop her business.


Yuki’s a real beauty, but would spy you and would stare right into your soul .


These are my adorable little menace, my forever babies. To be loved by cats is an honor, to have them sit on your lap, to have them notice your mere presence, and to have them let you boop their nose are the greatest gifts they can give you.


I’ll destroy the world for them, nah just kidding hahahah, am I? Mwahahahahahahaa.


I enjoyed this tenderness of photos, like you have no idea, I was stunned by his long tongue and those little paws with fluffy fingers, it makes you squeeze them!

Yeah, he do have quite a long tongue hahaha. I totally relate the desire to squeeze their little beans ugh! They're really adorable.

I love cats too, they serves as my stress reliever.💗✨

The best stress reliever 💗😌


Aren't they~? They're flippin' adorable 🥰

Such a cuties🥰

Cutie patooties haha 🤭

Cutie babies!

Uhuh, couldn't agree more 😉 ✨

Sorry you had lost a cat and I'm glad you got beautiful replacements. These pictures a re so nice by the way, how did you take them so meticulously?

Yeah and his presence remains in our hearts. They say, your love for the subjects you capture shows in your photos and I think that's the reason why these photos turned out great ^^