Hoy deseo compartir con ustedes el relato de una experiencia que me ha llenado de tristeza y a la vez me ha motivado mucho a cultivar cualidades positivas.
Mi esposa y yo tenemos un pequeño patio en el que criamos algunos animales y dónde nuestras mascotas también disfrutan de cierta libertad para recrearse.
Teníamos 2 conejas y 3 machos. Antes las criaba en cautiverio, porque formaban parte de una explotación familiar para el autoabastecimiento de carne, pero luego cambiaron las condiciones y decidimos declinar la producción a escala y dejamos solo pocos ejemplares como mascota.
Se adaptaron muy bien en su nuevo espacio, y se sintieron tan cómodos que empezaron a reproducirse. Al cabo de algunas semanas pudimos notar que las 2 hembras estaban preñadas y que, por resultados de examen de palpación, parecían tener coincidencia en el tiempo de preñez.
Con los días pudimos constatar que habían dado a luz sus crías. Logramos ver la ubicación de una de las madrigueras porque una de las hembras la hizo cerca de la casa. La otra coneja fue más reservada y no nos mostró dónde estaban sus bebés
Siempre que salíamos al patio, todos ellos corrían hacia nosotros para recibir lo que les llevábamos de alimento cada mañana
Un día, salimos a llevarle alimento y solo se acercaron 2 machos. En seguida empezamos a buscar a las hembras y logramos divisar solo a una, que estaba un poco triste y agazapada. Luego de un buen rato de búsqueda nos percatamos de que alguien, un ladrón había entrado en nuestra propiedad y se habían llevado la coneja. Y era la coneja que no había mostrado sus gazapos.
Cuando le dedicamos tiempo a la segunda, nos dimos cuenta de que había sido maltratada y golpeada y estaba en riesgo de muerte. Inmediatamente la tomé en mis brazos y la acerque a su madriguera para que salieran las crías y poderlas atrapar para atenderlas en cautiverio.
Lamentablemente, al día siguiente, la coneja murió y sus bebés aún no estaban listo para valerse por su cuenta. A partir de allí, mi esposa y yo nos hemos dedicado a buscar alternativas para la buena alimentación y nutrición de estos bebés.
Quería mostrarles en un vídeo que hemos editado, los cuidado y el método que hemos puesto en práctica para que estos pequeños puedan desarrollarse plenamente.
Today I want to share with you the story of an experience that has filled me with sadness and at the same time has motivated me to cultivate positive qualities.
My wife and I have a small backyard where we raise some animals and where our pets also enjoy some freedom for recreation.
We had 2 rabbits and 3 males. I used to breed them in captivity, because they were part of a family farm for self-supply of meat, but then conditions changed and we decided to decline scale production and left only few specimens as pets.
They adapted very well in their new space, and felt so comfortable that they started to reproduce. After a few weeks we noticed that the 2 females were pregnant and that, by palpation test results, they seemed to have coincided in the time of pregnancy.
As the days went by, we were able to confirm that they had given birth to their offspring. We were able to see the location of one of the burrows because one of the females made it near the house. The other doe was more reserved and did not show us where her babies were.
Whenever we went out in the yard, they would all run to us to get what we brought them for food each morning.
One day, we went out to bring her food and only 2 males came over. We immediately started looking for the females and managed to spot only one, which was a little sad and crouched. After a long time of searching we realized that someone, a thief had entered our property and had taken the doe. And it was the doe that had not shown her gazapos.
When we spent time with the second one, we realized that she had been mistreated and beaten and was at risk of death. I immediately took her in my arms and brought her closer to her burrow so that the young would come out and we could trap them for captive care.
Unfortunately, the next day, the doe died and her babies were not yet ready to fend for themselves. From there, my wife and I have dedicated ourselves to finding alternatives for good food and nutrition for these babies.
I wanted to show you in a video that we have edited, the care and the method that we have put into practice so that these little ones can develop fully.
oh my goodness that's so sad, especially with the stolen doe's babies, since you don't know where they are, they may not survive without their mother. i hope the babies you did find from the other doe survives, thank you for sharing your hard work in taking care of them! 🙂

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