Hello my beautiful people, every week I will try to share with you the progress of Tommy in his new home, so today I want to talk a little of what has been this week where we have met and adapted to this new company at home.
There is still a lot to do, but I am sure that soon I will be able to finish with everything Tommy needs, I remind you that this kitten arrived as a surprise, we really did not plan to have pets yet, so it has been a little difficult to get all the basics for him, but our duty is to be responsible owners and keep Tommy safe in a home where he will grow up happy and full of love.
Tommy is a kitten that sleeps a lot during the day and part of the night, I thought he was sick or something, but he just likes to rest, he has already developed better, now he plays a lot more than before and my son and he is running around the house haha.
He is a pretty calm cat, he doesn't bite or attack anyone, when he plays he is very careful not to hurt and I am following the advice you give me to not play with my hands, I always look for objects that he can play with without having that rustic contact that sometimes we have with the kittens that in the long run become a problem because they hurt us, I usually use wooden sticks to play with him, he chases them like crazy, he also loves to play in a tunnel of a little house that I bought for my son some years ago, he runs from one side to another and after a while he gets tired and goes to sleep.
He sleeps in so many funny and cute ways, I can spend hours watching him and only that makes me happy.
Little by little I have bought the things he needs, like the litter, the litter box, the food, recently I bought a shovel to make it easier to clean the litter box, I was doing it with a bag, but it was very uncomfortable, luckily we got a pet store very close to home and they had everything, I took the opportunity to buy more sand, the shovel and a shampoo to give him his first bath.
And it was just yesterday when I gave him his first bath, I applied little shampoo because he is still small, it was a challenge to bathe him because as usual he is not a fan of water, I could not take pictures of how I did it because I was more attentive that he did not escape from the bath haha.
I took the opportunity to cut his nails very carefully after the bath, he started to dry himself, he was meowing as if he was crying, he didn't like the bath at all, luckily the sun came out after a while and he managed to finish drying himself, although he also wanted to be on top of us, he is a kitten that doesn't like to be alone, even though I made him his little bed he prefers to sleep with us, he doesn't like to stay alone in a room for a long time even if he is playing with some object, he prefers to follow us.
I still have a lot of things to buy, besides the vaccines, but the situation is really difficult at the moment, however I will do my best to do everything as soon as I can.
For his food, I'm trying to give him more meat or chicken (without any seasoning) than cat food, although I do give him some from time to time to have something extra, despite his size, he eats a lot. He also likes to lay on the computer, in fact, a few days ago he was riding on my drawing tablet and wouldn't let me draw hahaha, that night I had to go to bed to sleep because he just wouldn't let me work, he immediately went to bed with me.
Anyway, this week has been a week full of joys, but also of worries, because there is still a lot to do, but life has taught me that everything has a solution and that no problem can be an obstacle, just take things with a little calm and everything will be fine, I hope you have a nice weekend and thank you for reading this post.
Ayyyy, que bellísimo que es Tommy 😻 los gatos anaranjados son muy sociables, cariñosos y les encanta compartir con las personas. Te daré unos consejitos para tomar en cuenta ahora que tienes a un maravilloso felino en tu casa 🥰. Aunque los gatos son autolimpiantes y no hace falta bañarlos tan seguido es bueno que lo acostumbres desde pequeño al baño, te sugiero que uses agua tibia tirando a suavemente caliente, verás cómo se queda tranquilo y disfruta, a los gatos más que el agua lo que les molesta es el agua fría jajaja. En cuanto a su arenero existe una opción más económica que la arena para gatos y es el aserrín, absorbe los olores y muchos evanistas te lo regalan o venden a muy bajo costo. Como es macho debes cuidar de no darle nada salado para cuidar su tracto urinario ya que a los machos les suele salir arenilla y cálculos cuando les dan comida salada o con muchos minerales porque a diferencia de las hembras tienen una vejiga más estrecha. Es importante que le pongas la vacuna triple felina y la antirrábica ¿Ya lo desparasitaste? También deberías ir ahorrando para castrarlo cuando tenga unos 7-8 meses, así evitarás que se escape a buscar aventuras y peleas callejeras por el territorio y las hembras en celo.
Bueno, creo que es todo 🤔🤭🤭🤭 muchísima suerte y feliz vida junto a ese encantador nuevo miembro de la familia ☺️🥰🤗
Un abrazo 😺🤘🤗
Holaa @gatubela Muchas gracias por tus consejos, hace mucho tiempo que no tengo un gatito y sinceramente olvide ya muchas cosas, pero sii, se que no hay que bañarlo tan seguido, en casa hablamos sobre bañarlo una vez al mes o quizas menos o mas, depende, el es muy limpio, pero queria bañarlo por que aun tenia algunas pulguitas, tambien lo hice con agua tibia 😀 y he odio lo del acerrin, pienso probarlo cuando se me acabe la arena que compre para probar que tal.
Con lo de la comida estoy dandole todo sin nada de sal, cometi ese error cuando tenia mis anteriores gatos, de hecho, uno de ellos fallecio por calculos, dije que jamas tendria un gato para no volver a pasar ese mismo dolor, pero creo que ya estoy lista para hacer las cosas bien o al menos intentrlo!
Si, ya tengo el costo de estas vacunas pronto se las pondré, y tambien ya lo desparasite 🥰 de verdad gracias por todo, ya estoy en el proceso de ahorrar para su castracion, que tengas un lindo fin de semana! 💞💞
Excelente @alexa.art 😉 que bien que ya tengas todo fríamente calculado 🤭🤭🤭 los gatos son mascotas en general fáciles de tener porque son muy limpios e independientes y hacen lo que quieren 🤦🏻♀️ 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤷🏻♀️
Con que lo bañes cada tres o cuatro meses es más que suficiente, al menos que vivas en casa pero si estás en un apartamento con dos veces al año estará bien porque ellos se mantienen limpios.
Feliz fin de semana para tí también 😺🤘🤗
@alexa.art que bonito tu gatito, excelente que lo adoptaste te felicito, espero y disfrutes al máximo tu bella mascota. Saludos
Muchas gracias! saludos
Tommy is so cute! Just like dogs or other pets, they usually take a lot of rest. Sometimes, I wish I would also be a dog so I can only bark and sleep all day without overthinking my obligations haha.
I would definitely want to be a cat or dog too, they don't worry about anything and get plenty of rest hahaha what a good life!🐾
Eyy so adorable :D
Yeah! thanks 💓