Hello friends, I hope all of you and your pets are doing well 🐾
Today I want to talk a little bit about everything, I really don't know where to start I have a lot of mixed feelings and a lot of things I have lived and learned about Tommy, Tommy has been with us for almost a month now and I swear I thought it would be a horrible and stressful experience because of living in an apartment, but it has been the opposite, I guess that also depends on the cat that is with us, Tommy is a very friendly, loving and calm kitty, I have read many people on the internet saying that orange cats are quite crazy, I don't know if it is because he is still a baby but for now he is breaking that myth hahaha.
The adaptation process was not only for Tommy, but also for me, three years ago I shared with you the terrible loss of my cat Kitty and the following year my other cat Alan died, this broke me inside, for me the death of a pet is the same as if I lost a person, a family member, a friend, they were horribly traumatic experiences for me, They were my first cats, Kitty was 10 years old with us and Alan was only 7, I can't describe how I feel now remembering all that, I really miss them, they were my companions for a long time while I lived with my mother, in 2012 I moved with my now husband and my mother was in charge of both of them, but I was still taking care of them, this separation was very hard for me, because they were in my daily life and suddenly I had to move and I could not have them here, because I had just given birth to my son, my mom took that responsibility with my help, she was not always present, but she visited them and also helped my mom with the expenses, however a few years passed and Kitty got sick and we could not save her, Alan was left alone and a year later he also abandoned us, even though we saw veterinarians and I spent a lot of money to save their lives, nothing worked, it seems that they were killed faster with the treatments that they gave us.
The point of remembering all this is because after those two losses, I said I would never have a pet again, but then a kitten named Mili arrived and I wanted to take care of her and have her at home, Mili was the opposite of Tommy, she was very naughty hahaha, she tried to commit suicide out the window several times and I decided to give her to my mom to keep her company at home, I said again that I would never have a pet, but well... Tommy arrived and I couldn't refuse.
Mis hermosos Kitty y Alan.
My beautiful Kitty and Alan.
After everything I lived through I am afraid, very afraid, I always watch Tommy and make sure he feels well and safe, I feed him as healthy as possible, I am a person who has many anxiety problems and I live constantly worried and even more if I have already gone through a bad experience, I know that cats are not eternal, but I know that the day something bad happens I will fall again, that is why the adaptation process has been difficult for me, I tried not to get too attached the first week that Tommy started living with us, I was a little indifferent at times, but as the days went by I became more and more important, I did this without any bad purpose, I am just afraid of losing a member of my family, I am afraid that he will get sick and take him to a vet where they will end up killing him, I am afraid of not having enough money in case of an accident.
Tommy has already won my heart and a special place in my life, I love that he is quite serene, I love to watch him sleep, I like to play with him, at night he gets very active to play but when I go to sleep he always goes with me and lies near my head and sleeps all night, when he sees that I wake up in the morning he stands up happy and I give him his breakfast, he eats and plays, he already has his routine, he has adapted very well to us.
Moving on to another topic, I have to confess that I have NEVER (despite having had two cats) had used a sandbox, the reason was because at my mom's house there is a huge yard and when my kittens wanted to go to do their needs they meowed at the door and immediately we took them out and they did everything outside, but with Tommy it's different, At the beginning my father in law, who was the one who brought Tommy to live with us, gave us a tray of paint to use as a sandbox in the meantime and also gave us some soil to fill it, as I have commented in other posts, we were not really ready to receive a pet, everything was very fast and surprising, so we survived a few days with those two things that my father in law gave us but the soil did not absorb the smell, also the paint tray was really uncomfortable for my kitten, we decided to buy a small bowl, which for its size is fine, later we will buy a bigger and more suitable sandbox, but this change was really good, we also started to buy cat litter, I chose a brand called Cats Paws and I really liked it, I don't know much about litter but I loved this one, it absorbs the smell and also accumulates the feces and pee of my cat, I clean his sandbox twice a day and weekly I change the litter and wash the sandbox.
I find it witchcraft that a litter accumulates the needs of a kitten and eliminates the strong smell it has, it really is impressive.
Aun estamos al pendiente de varias cosas que nos gustaría tener para Tommy, me encantaría comprarle un rascadero para que no me arruine el mueble, pero todo será poco a poco, en estos momentos estamos en una situación bastante complicada, pero se que pronto podremos hacer todo lo que tenemos pendiente.
Gracias por leer mi post, esto me ayuda mucho a desahogarme y a decir todo aquello que a veces me ahoga por dentro, pero al mismo tiempo me llena de fuerzas para no cometer los mismos errores del pasado.
Everything at home has changed since his arrival, I am still struggling with my son to educate him on how to treat Tommy, I admire the patience that this cat has because my son is extremely suffocating, although little by little he has learned what to do and what not to do with Tommy, but sometimes it is quite stressful, we must educate children well to respect animals and not see them as "toys".
I am in love with my little orange one, he is a beautiful and adorable thing, he always looks for our company because he doesn't like to be alone, by the way, some days ago I woke up because I felt my face and cheeks being scratched and it was Tommy giving me a bath with his tongue hahaha, I never expected that, it was very cute.
We are still waiting for several things that we would like to have for Tommy, I would love to buy him a scratching post so he doesn't ruin my furniture, but everything will be little by little, right now we are in a very complicated situation, but I know that soon we will be able to do everything we have pending.
Thanks for reading my post, this helps me a lot to let off steam and to say everything that sometimes suffocates me inside, but at the same time fills me with strength to not make the same mistakes of the past.
Saludos @alexa.art arqueología lindo Gatito. ..ellos son adorables me gusta verlos jugar y ronronear, pero tienes razón son una responsabilidad inmensa el cuidado de estos felinos, que sigas adaptándose al minino.
Asi es, muchas gracias @motica29
@tipu curate
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awww qué hermoso 💘
Gracias! 😻
The cat is relaxing big time.
Que lindo es! 🥺🥺🫶🏻 , antes la verdad no me llamaban mucho la atención los gatos Porque la mayoría de los que veía en la calle sentía que no eran muy cariñosos o afectivos pero me di cuenta de lo equivocada que estaba cuando un gatito llegó a mi vida, y al igual que los seres humanos todos son distintos y pueden tener distintas personalidades ☺️ son muy lindos y juguetones
Exactamente, hay gatitos que no les gusta mucho el contacto fisico pero otros que son mas cariñosos que yo misma 🤣 son hermosos de verdad
Sí, son locos, confirmo 🤗🤣, nunca te vas a aburrir. @alexa.art
Jajajaja ay dios mio! lo que me espera 😂
Wow :D
Nice to "see" you and something so different from you! What a surprise!
Tommy is adorable. I don't think you get more cute than kitten cute! Possibly bunnies. Maybe.
Enjoy. Cats are wonderfully weird, entertaining and interesting creatures! You're fortunate for him to have chosen you ;)