[ESP-ENG] Les presento a esta hermosa patita llamada bienvenida/I preset to you this beautiful litt

in Hive Pets5 months ago


Un saludo fraternal para todos los seguidores de hive pets, es un placer para mi compartir con todos ustedes, en esta oportunidad, les tengo estas fotografías de esta hermosa pata llamada bienvenida.

Este hermoso ejemplar llegó más o menos hace 5 meses a casa de mis suegros, se la regalaron a mi cuñada, ella desde que llegó no le gustaba comer mucho, se le compró engorde y nepe, pero no lo comía, llegaban otros animales al patio, como pollos y gallinas y se acercaban y como podían le quitaban este alimento.

Pasaban los días y ella no comía nada de lo que se le daba, entonces la persona que le regaló la pata a mi cuñada, le dijo que, lo que pasaba es que ella estaba acostumbrada a comer otro tipo de alimentos, ellos le daban de comer arroz, arepa desmenuzada, espaguetis, entonces se le se le comenzó a dar esta comida y ella más contenta, así sí comenzó a comer, de de igual manera compartida con los pollos y gallinas que llegaban, pero, sí se veía que comía mucho más.

Ahora el problema es que está solita en una jaula, que no tiene un compañero durante su estadia ahí, pero se está haciendo la búsqueda de un pato para poder le agarrar crías, esperemos pronto se lo puedan encontrar, para que ya ella no se sienta tan solita, ella es la patita bienvenida.

Saludos a todos, hasta aquí mi publicación de hoy, muchas gracias por el apoyo ofrecido, espero continuar publicando por acá.

Fotos tomadas con mi teléfono TECNO SPARK 8C, Isla de Margarita, Venezuela.

Todas las imágenes son de mi autoría por @alexanderodulfo, especialmente para esta publicacion.


A fraternal greeting to all the followers of hive pets, it is a pleasure for me to share with all of you, on this occasion, I have these photographs of this beautiful duck called welcome.

This beautiful specimen arrived more or less 5 months ago to my in-laws' house, they gave it to my sister-in-law, since she arrived she did not like to eat much, they bought her fattening and nepe, but she did not eat it, other animals came to the yard, like chickens and hens and they approached and as they could they took this food from her. Days went by and she didn't eat anything that was given to her, so the person who gave the duck to my sister-in-law told her that what was happening was that she was used to eating other types of food, they gave her rice, shredded arepa, spaghetti, so they started giving her this food and she was happier, so she started eating, in the same way she shared it with the chickens that arrived, but it was obvious that she ate a lot more.

Now the problem is that she is alone in a cage, she doesn't have a companion during her stay there, but they are looking for a duck to be able to catch her babies, we hope they can find it soon, so that she doesn't feel so alone anymore, she is the welcome duck.

Greetings to all, that's it for my publication today, thank you very much for the support offered, I hope to continue publishing here.

Photos taken with my TECNO SPARK 8C phone, Margarita Island, Venezuela.

All images are my authorship by @alexanderodulfo, especially for this publication.