
in Hive Pets20 hours ago

What is it with cats and boxes ?

I had one in my office, which I'd just finished emptying out after a stock delivery. It's a nice sturdy double-walled high-density box. But just before I went to flatten it and add it to the recycling pile.... Chester found it.


Yep, it's his new favourite hiding and sleeping spot. Right in the doorway of my office, guaranteed to be as in the way as possible.


Sometimes he'll sit in it like a tank commander surveying the world from his turret.


But then he'll have a mad five minutes and attack it like he's a vampire or something. Serious fang action !


Also... mad, staring eyes.

You'd never believe looking at these two photos that he's actually the soppiest most un-vicious cat I've ever known.

Duncan will go for it with teeth and claws like a savage furry chainsaw if you try and stroke him anywhere except the top of his head. Chester has tried to mimic this, but just grabs you with paws and no claws, just hugging your arm while he licks you to death.


Trying to get a shot of him clambering out of the box was less successful. The light in my office is a bit gloomy (instead of power cuts, we just get slightly reduced power in the evenings, which dims all the lightbulbs), so it takes the camera in my phone a while to get a picture. So it makes Chester look like the fluffy bundle of fur he really is !

All photos by me


Lovely cat!!!

ahahah the staring eyes with the fangs and a single paw up is such a fantastic photo LOL what a character!