Hola amigos, les sigo contando sobre una de las experiencias más bellas que hemos vivido en casa últimamente, el nacimiento de los cachorritos de Fifí. Como les dije en el post anterior, fifí tuvo un parto sin inconvenientes y los 3 cachorritos nacieron muy sanos y ella los ha cuidado desde el primer segundo de la mejor manera. Es una mamá asombrosa, amorosa y muy sabia para su especie.
Hello friends, I continue telling you about one of the most beautiful experiences we have lived at home lately, the birth of Fifi's puppies. As I told you in the previous post, Fifi had a smooth delivery and the 3 puppies were born very healthy and she has taken care of them from the first second in the best way. She is an amazing mom, loving and very wise for her species.
Desde que se tomó la decisión de cruzar a Fifí, mi esposo y yo decidimos que nos quedaríamos con alguno de los cachorritos qué nacieran y si podía ser una hembra, sería nuestra elección principal. Incluso pensamos en como se llamaría y todo antes de lograr el objetivo, pero aceptando que si nacían puros machos igual nos quedaríamos con un perrito de Fifi.
Since the decision to cross Fifi was made, my husband and I decided that we would keep any of the puppies that were born and if it could be a female, that would be our main choice. We even thought about what she would be called and everything before achieving our goal, but accepting that if all males were born we would still keep one of Fifi's puppies.
Afortunadamente, nacieron 2 hembritas y un macho, la primera que nació yo pude ver que era hembra, entonces Bruna (el nombre que habíamos decidido desde hace tiempo) ya era una realidad. Sin embargo, los otros dos cachorritos seguían sin nombres, así que en un principio los llamábamos segunda y tercero, porque a pesar de que todos nacieron negritos (ya que en esta raza de perritos sucede así, ellos nacen negros y luego su pelaje cambia de color con el tiempo), era fácil de diferenciarlos. Tenían algunas manchas que nos hacía saber quién era quién, y como estuvimos desde el primer momento con Fifí, supimos en qué orden habían nacido.
Fortunately, 2 females and a male were born, the first one that was born I could see that she was a female, so Bruna (the name we had decided for a long time) was already a reality. However, the other two puppies were still without names, so at first we called them second and third, because although they were all born black (because in this breed of puppies it happens like this, they are born black and then their fur changes color over time), it was easy to differentiate them. They had some spots that let us know who was who, and since we were with Fifi from the first moment, we knew in which order they were born.
Así que segunda y tercero estaban por definir sus nombres y a donde irían. Uno de ellos sería para los dueños de Bob (el papá de los perritos) y el otro para una prima de mi esposo que hace unos meses perdió a su papá de forma muy inesperada y ha estado trabajando en recuperar la alegría en su vida luego de su perdida. Así que ella sin duda es candidata perfecta para recibir el amor que uno de estos angelitos está dispuesto a dar.
So the second and third were to be named and where they would go. One of them would go to Bob's owners (the dogs' dad) and the other to a cousin of my husband's who lost her dad unexpectedly a few months ago and has been working on regaining the joy in her life after her loss. So she is without a doubt a perfect candidate to receive the love that one of these little angels is willing to give.
Luego de esperar varios días fue que definimos qué el macho sería de ella y ella decidió llamarlo Bruno porque supo que la de nosotros se llamaría Bruna y así compartían nombre, además ambos se parecen muchísimo, solo se diferencian por su sexo.
After waiting several days we decided that the male would be hers and she decided to call him Bruno because she knew that ours would be called Bruna and so they would share a name, besides they both look very much alike, they only differ in their sex.
Quedó entonces la otra cachorrita, que iba a ser entregada a los dueños de Bob. Sin embargo, al pasar los días inevitablemente nos encariñamos demasiado con todos y se nos hacía muy difícil pensar en tener a alguno de ellos lejos de nosotros. Fue entonces cuando inesperada pero afortunadamente, nos llamaron para decirnos que ellos no la iban a poder tener y que si mi mamá la aceptaba, se la regalarían. OBVIAMENTE no dudamos ni un segundo en aceptar a nuestra otra chiquitina qué lleva por nombre Belén.
That left the other puppy, who was to be given to Bob's owners. However, as the days went by we inevitably became too attached to all of them and it became very difficult to think of having any of them away from us. It was then when unexpectedly but fortunately, they called us to tell us that they were not going to be able to keep her and that if my mom accepted her, they would give her away. OBVIOUSLY we did not hesitate for a second to accept our other little girl named Belen.
Por los momentos todavía son muy pequeñitos y siguen al cuidado de su mamá, queremos esperar que pasen todavía unas semanas más con ella antes de llevar a Bruno y a Bruna a sus otros hogares, pues Belén se quedará viviendo con Fifí y mis papás. Bruna vivirá en mi casa y Bruno en casa de la prima de mi esposo, que gracias a Dios vive muy cerquita de nosotros y la veremos siempre.
At the moment they are still very small and are still in their mom's care, we want to wait for them to spend a few more weeks with her before we take Bruno and Bruna to their other homes, since Belen will stay living with Fifi and my parents. Bruna will live at my house and Bruno at my husband's cousin's house, who thank God lives very close to us and we will see her all the time.
Estamos muy felices de saber que los tres hermanitos estarán siempre cerca y que recibirán todo el amor que ellos nos ha traído a nosotros.
We are very happy to know that the three little brothers will always be close and that they will receive all the love that they have brought to us.
Gracias. gracias, gracias por votar, compartir y comentar mis post.
Hasta la próxima
Thank you. thank you, thank you, thank you for voting, sharing and commenting on my posts.
See you next time
They are all so cute 😍😍😍, I also love their color. Congrats to Fifi's safe delivery 💕💕
Thank for your comment honey ❤️ our puppies are very cutes. We love them 😍😍
que bellezas, Dios los cuide!
Amen amén, muchas gracias 😍😍