An update on my kitties and how they grew in the last few weeks | Español-English

in Hive Pets2 years ago


Hello little cuties at Hive ❤️

I' m back with more kittens.

It' s been a few months since we took a litter of kittens into our home, a lot has happened, we have been able to take them to the vet without much trouble and have even been able to put many of the kittens up for adoption, this is an update post about the two gentlemen we have left in the house and how we care for them, we haven't decided on names yet because until recently we weren't sure if we were going to keep some of them but as the weeks went by the last two siblings settled in the house and we decided to keep them and give them a home here at my boyfriend's house, since then they have grown quite a bit and have developed personalities with each day they are here.


They are both very cute, they spend most of the day lying around looking at their surroundings, they have a lot of space to explore as the yard of this house is almost 400mts2 as well as having the surroundings free as the neighbors are very friendly and we are waiting to spay and neuter them so they can play and be free while they are outside, The first few days they were here we took good care of them and kept them inside the house but with each new centimeter they grew and how playful they became we decided to make them a little house outside so they could have everything they need there.

We grabbed one of the structures of an old grill and with some sheets we improvised a small shelter, we put a basket in it and bought a blanket with a fabric that I loved and my kittens too because of the softness, I have even seen the kittens knead with their little paws on the blanket and purr, we were trying different designs because of the rains that are falling recently where I live but finally we could find a structure that shelters the kittens from the cold and the rain, it has a double roof and it is covered by a huge tree that has always been in the house so they feel very comfortable there and in the mornings they get some sun on one of the chairs in the patio.


About the food they are still eating special food for baby kittens but in the next few weeks I will be introducing some of what I give to our adult cat to see if they like it, baby food is quite expensive and so far it is costing me a little more to get it than usual, but they are always delighted when I give them in the middle of the week some sausage or a different food always with previous research, the biggest of the cats is always an eating machine and in fact I think I will have to rationalize the food a bit as he is gaining a lot of weight, the water I am always careful to serve them at least two cups of water daily and even so they prefer to go to the small pond we have in the yard to drink with the dogs, which by the way are also very playful in the mornings, I hear them often playing with the dogs and with everything they get in the yard, it is a very tender scene.


We have two types of cats, one that spends all day playing and exploring the house and yard and one that prefers to lay in the shade or in the basket we prepare for him, but both are quite tender when we hold them and pet them, Many times they get jealous when we take our dogs out to play and I have even seen one of the cats go out of the gate to the sidewalk just to see what is outside, I know they are still developing their instincts and exploring is something natural but I will have to be more careful with the street that we have in front past the gate of the house, not too many cars pass but it is better to be attentive.

They are very healthy and when I go out to the yard to get some air under the tree they come to me to meow, I like to think that they are thanking me for everything I have done for them and that drives me even to adopt and save more kittens, I was also discussing with my boyfriend if I create an animal shelter to care for them and give them for adoption, is an idea I have in my head and we'll see what comes out of there, that's all my update I leave some pictures of the little ones for you to see them. ❤️

Version Español


Hola pequeñas criaturas en Hive ❤️

Estoy de vuelta con mas gatitos

Han pasado unos meses desde que llevamos a una camada de gatitos a nuestra casa, mucho ha pasado, los hemos podido llevar al veterinario sin mucho problema y hasta hemos podido dar en adopcion a muchos de los gatitos, este es un post de actualizacion sobre los dos caballeros que nos quedan en la casa y como los cuidamos, aun no hemos decidido los nombres debido a que hasta hace poco no estabamos seguros si ibamos a quedarnos con algunos de ellos pero con el paso de las semanas los dos ultimos hermanos se asentaron en la casa y decidimos quedarnos con ellos y darles un hogar aqui en la casa de mi novio, desde entonces han crecido bastante y han desarrollado personalidades con cada dia que pasan aca.


Los dos son unas ternuras, pasan la mayoria del dia acostados mirando a su alrededor, tienen mucho espacio para explorar pues el patio de esta casa es de casi 400mts2 asi como tambien tienen los alrededores libres ya que los vecinos son bastante amigables y ademas estamos en la espera de esterilizarlos para que puedan jugar y ser libres mientras estan afuera, los primeros dias que estuvieron aca si los cuidamos bastante y los mantuvimos adentro de la casa pero con cada nuevo centimetro que crecian y lo juguetones que se volvian decidimos hacerles una pequeña casa afuera y que tuviesen todo lo que necesitan ahi.

Agarramos una de las estructuras de una vieja parrillera y con algunas sabanas improvisamos un pequeño refugio, le metimos una cesta y compre una cobija con una tela que me encanto y a mis gatitos tambien debido a la suavidad, hasta he visto a los gatitos amasar con sus patitas en la cobija y ronrronear, estuvimos probando diferentes diseños por las lluvias que estan cayendo recientemente por donde vivo pero al fin pudimos dar con una estructura que acobija a los gatitos tanto del frio como de la lluvia, tiene un doble techo ademas de que lo cubre un gigantesco arbol que siempre ha estado en la casa asi que se sienten muy comodos ahi y por las mañanas toman un poco de sol en una de las sillas del patio.


Acerca de la comida aun estan comiendo alimento especial para gatitos bebes pero en las proximas semanas voy a estarles introduciendo algo de lo que le doy a nuestra gata adulta a ver si les gusta, la comida para bebes es bastante costosa y hasta ahora me esta costando un poco mas conseguirla que de costumbre, pero ellos siempre estan encantados cuando les doy en el medio de la semana algun embutido o una comida diferente siempre con previa investigacion, el mayor de los gatos siempre es una maquina para comer y de hecho creo que tendre que racionalizar un poco la comida en vista de que esta subiendo mucho de peso, del agua siempre estoy atenta de servirles al menos dos tazas diarias de agua y aun asi prefieren ir al pequeño estanque que tenemos en el patio a beber con los perros, que por cierto tambien son muy juguetones en las mañanas, las escucho a menudo jugando con los perros y con todo lo que se consiguen en el patio, es una escena bastante tierna.


Tenemos dos tipos de gatos, uno que esta todo el dia jugando y explorando la casa y el patio y otro que prefiee mucho mas estar acostado en la sombra o en la cesta que le preparamos, pero ambos son bastante tiernos cuando los agarramos y los acariciamos, muchas veces se ponen celosos cuando sacamos a nuestro perros a jugar y hasta he podido ver a uno de los gatos salir del porton hacia la acera solo para ver lo que hay afuera, se que estan aun desarrollando sus instintos y explorar es algo natural pero tendre que tener mas cuidado con la calle que tenemos al frente pasando el porton de la casa, no pasan demasiados carros pero es mejor estar atenta.

Estan muy saludables y cuando salgo al patio a agarrar un poco de aire debajo del arbol se me acercan a maullar, me gusta pensar que estan agradeciendome por todo lo que he hecho por ellos y eso me impulsa incluso a adoptar y salvar mas gatitos, estuve debatiendo tambien con mi novio si crear un albergue de animales para cuidarlos y darlos en adopcion, es una idea que tengo en la cabeza y ya veremos que sale de ahi, esa es toda mi actualizacion les dejo algunas fotos de los pequeños para que los vean. ❤️