ENG-SPA El sapito Pepe 🐸✨

in Hive Petslast year


Este sapito vive ahora en mi casa, creo que tiene bastante tiempo viviendo aqui porque siempre amaneció popo en la sala, hoy estaba en el patio con mi prima, hasta que nos dimos cuenta que estaba ahi, le tome una foto y ciertamente mi mama me dijo que si era, le puse de nombre pepe, en la madrugada siempre sale y lo encuentro en la cocina, lo peor de todo esto es que no me gustan los sapos, ni las ranas, pero he aprendido a convivir con el, eso si, de muy lejos por que me dan miedo

De pequeña no le tenia miedo a los sapos pero una vez, recuerdo que iba a viajar y me despertaron muy temprano como a las 5, sali al patio y habia como un sapo pero estaba supeer estirado, como si estuviera muerto, y yo de loca lo agarre por la pata y de repente el sapo empezó a saltar por todos lados, lo solte rápido y desde esa vez le agarré mucho miedo, era muy pequeña tenia como 7 años
This little toad now lives in my house, I think he has been living here for quite some time because poo always appeared in the living room, today he was in the patio with my cousin, until we realized he was there, I took a photo of him and certainly my mother He said yes it was, I named him Pepe, in the early morning he always comes out and I find him in the kitchen, the worst thing about all this is that I don't like toads or frogs, but I have learned to live with him, yes. from very far away because they scare me

When I was little I wasn't afraid of toads but one time, I remember I was going to travel and they woke me up very early around 5, I went out to the patio and there was like a toad but it was super stretched out, like it was dead, and I was crazy. . I grabbed it by the leg and suddenly the toad started jumping everywhere, I let it go quickly and from that time on I was very afraid of it, I was very small, I was about 7 years old.

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