Ayuda a Mylo, un perro que atropellaron y rescatamos🐶 [Esp/Eng]

in Hive Pets10 months ago (edited)


Lo ví atropellado y no podía dejarlo asi🐶

versión Español

Así comienzan estas líneas, creo que es una historia digna de contar, y es necesario para tomar conciencia.

Todo comenzó una tarde de sábado, el día 4 de mayo del 2024, estábamos en una actividad de la iglesia al aire libre, exactamente en el parque del Oeste, en Barquisimeto Estado Lara Venezuela 🇻🇪 la actividad estuvo muy dinámica y divertida, sin embargo se extendió más de los previsto y ya eran las 6:30 pm lo que está súper tarde para nosotros, ya que debíamos alimentar y sacar a pasear a los perros que tenemos en la casa.
Así que antes que finalizará la actividad,nos despedimos para marcharnos, saliendo del parque nos habren el portón, ya que estaba cerrado, éramos los últimos que estabamos allí.
Abren el portón y entra un perro pequeño, blanco con manchas marrones, caminando torpemente, se tropezaba y aullando de dolor, sangre en su boca y cara, su pata delantera inmóvil, parecia de goma, lo cual le dificultaba caminar, este perrito lo cababan de atropellar😱🥺 lo peor lo habían dejado a su suerte.

De manera instintiva sin pensalo mi esposa y yo, nos bajamos del carro, corrimos a el, estaba asustado, adolorido y como podía corría apesar que se tropezaba muchísimo, no se dejaba agarrar, mordía, y estaba muy agresivo.
Creo que habíamos alrededor de 80 personas, y solo 3 fuimos ayudar, como pudimos lo tomamos, y le pusimos un bosal improvisado, durante la contienda de atraparlo mordió mi mano, y sangre muchísimo, sin embargo, la misión están hecha lo teníamos.
Soy medico, y se que si atropellan a alguien,y este sangra en la boca es muy mala señal, así que eso me preocupaba.
Lo logramos meter en la maletera del carro, y luego mi epsosa y yo nos miramos y dijimos: Y AHORA QUE?
No teníamos dinero suficiente solo contábamos con 20$, cosa que es minuzculo para una consulta, probablemente un eco, y dios no lo permita una operación 😱 todo eso cruzaba por mi mente.
Para completar de complicar las cosas, entre salir tarde de la actividad, lograr atraparlo, meterlo en el carro, curar mi herida, se hizo de noche, súper tarde, ya casi eran las 8 pm, son pocas las clínicas veterinarias que trabajan hasta tarde, y las qué lo hacen no son económicas.
Ni modo decimos ir a una cercana que trabajaban hasta las 8 pm, y pensamos si es más dinero del que tenemos, haremos un convenio de pago, dejar algo en garantía, no se, la prioridad era llevar al perrito a ser valorado.
Fue difícil el traslado, debíamos ir lentamente ya que no queríamos molestarlo, llegamos al veterinario, dijimos que era una emergencia, e inmediatamente salen atendernos.

Las cosas seguian empeorando
El bosal improvisado que habíamos colocado, se lo había quitado, y el perrito entre susto, dolor, y confusión, estaba muy agresivo, no podíamos bajarlo del carro, debímos bajarlo entre 3 personas, improvisamos colocarle otro bosal, mordió a uno de los veterinarios, pero lugeo lo logramos dominar y bajar.



El veterinario lo valoro, y el perito logro calmarse un poco, después de una revisión, BUENAS NOTICIAS el perrito no tenía ningún derrame interno, la sangre era de su hocico, solo basto con hacerle una limpieza, aplicaron unos analgésicos para el dolor, y el perrito estaba más calmado, sin embrago, no todo era bueno.

Su pata izquierda delantera tenía una fractura, literal colgaba, pero donde lo llevamos no podía hacer Rayos x, nos mandaron hacerlo en otra clínica,los Rayos X eran necesarios para saber la magnitud de la lesión,llanos a la clínica donde realizaban los Rayos X y trabajaban el lunes, así que ha la que esperar.
Como expusimos el caso, dejaron la consulta más económica, no hubo necesesidad de hacer la ecografía, y entre tratamiento y consulta gastamos 13$, un gran alivio.
Los llevamos a la casa, y paso su primera noche con nosotros, asustado, comió, tomo muchísima agua y durmió muy bien
Aún no terminamos, ya que se debían hacer sus Rayos x los cuales costaba alrededor de 40$, y se debía esperar hasta el lunes.



Decidimos ponerle de nombre Mylo como el perro de la película La máscara, ya que se parece a ese perrito, el día domingo estaba muy activo, y tratamos que no se moviera mucho por su pata, comió con normalidad, y el analgésicos hacia muy bien su trabajo ya que no parecía que tuviera dolor.
En paralelo a todo esto hicimos tomamos unas fotos, que publicamos solicitando ayuda para Mylo, y ver si tenía familia ya que no parece un perro de la calle, gracias a la generosidad de varías personas logramos recaudar 30$, y la clínica donde hicimos los Rayos x, luego de escuchar la historia de Mylo, decidieron darnos un descuento, así que las placas tuvieron un costo de 20$, con los 10$ que sobraron le compramos la pastilla para las garrapatas, que obvio no le faltaba.


El diagnóstico de los Rayos X, fue una fractura desplazada de ambos huesos de su páta delantera izquierda, seguramente es de intervención quirúrgica

Hoy Mylo continua en nuestro resguardo, a la espera de que el traumatólogo nos diga que tipo de intervención hacer y el costo de la misma.




Es algo que definitivamente haría mil veces más sin pensarlo, era imposible que lo dejara, herido, solo y asustado, además creo que no es casualidad, que la actividad de la iglesia haya sido en el parque, que se haya extendido, que salimos justoa a la hora que Mylo fue atropellado, que justo estubierkamsl allí, a la hora prevista, 5 min antes o después y no lo hubiéramos visto.
Todo paso por algo y era el destino ayudarlo.

Si quieres coloborar con Mylo, comunícate conmigo, o con un Corazoncito en este post será suficiente, ya que lo recaudado aquí será para su cirugía

Gracias por llegar aqui

imágenes del autor

app de Edición: canvas + imagen canva

traductor: DeeLp


English version

I saw him run over and I couldn't leave him like that🐶.

This is how these lines begin, I think it is a story worth telling, and it is necessary to become aware.

It all started one Saturday afternoon, on May 4, 2024, we were in an outdoor church activity, exactly in the West Park, in Barquisimeto Lara State Venezuela 🇻🇪 the activity was very dynamic and fun, however it was extended more than expected and it was already 6:30 pm which is super late for us, since we had to feed and walk the dogs we have at home.
So before the end of the activity, we said goodbye to leave, leaving the park they open the gate, as it was closed, we were the last ones there.
They open the gate and a small dog enters, white with brown spots, walking clumsily, stumbling and howling in pain, blood in his mouth and face, his front paw motionless, it looked like rubber, which made it difficult for him to walk, this little dog had just been run over😱🥺 the worst thing had left him to his fate.

Instinctively, without thinking about it, my wife and I got out of the car, we ran to him, he was scared, in pain and as best he could he ran even though he stumbled a lot, he would not let himself be caught, he bit, and he was very aggressive.
I think there were about 80 people, and only 3 of us went to help, as we could we took him, and we put him in an improvised bosal, during the struggle to catch him he bit my hand, and he bled a lot, however, the mission was done, we had him.
I am a doctor, and I know that if someone gets hit by a car, and he bleeds in his mouth, it is a very bad sign, so I was worried about that.
We managed to put him in the trunk of the car, and then my wife and I looked at each other and said: "Now what?
We didn't have enough money we only had 20$, which is minuzculo for a consultation, probably an echo, and god forbid an operation 😱 all that crossed my mind.
To make things more complicated, between leaving late from the activity, catching him, putting him in the car, healing my wound, it got late at night, it was almost 8 pm, there are few veterinary clinics that work late, and the ones that do are not economical.

No way we decided to go to a nearby vet who worked until 8 pm, and we thought if it was more money than we had, we would make a payment agreement, leave something as a guarantee, I don't know, the priority was to take the dog to be evaluated.
The transfer was difficult, we had to go slowly as we did not want to bother him, we arrived at the vet, we said it was an emergency, and they immediately came out to attend us.

Things kept getting worse
The improvised bosal that we had placed, had been removed, and the dog between fright, pain, and confusion, was very aggressive, we could not get him out of the car, we had to get him down between 3 people, we improvised to place another bosal, he bit one of the veterinarians, but then we managed to dominate him and get him down.

The vet evaluated him, and the dog was able to calm down a little, after a check up, GOOD NEWS the dog did not have any internal leakage, the blood was from his muzzle, it was enough to do a cleaning, they applied some analgesics for the pain, and the dog was calmer, however, not everything was good.


His front left paw had a fracture, literally hanging, but where we took him could not do x-rays, they sent us to do it in another clinic, the X-rays were necessary to know the extent of the injury, we went to the clinic where they did the X-rays and they were working on Monday, so we had to wait.
As we explained the case, they left the most economical consultation, there was no need to do the ultrasound, and between treatment and consultation we spent 13$, a great relief.
We took them home, and he spent his first night with us, scared, ate, drank a lot of water and slept very well.
We were not finished yet, since he had to have his x-rays done, which cost around 40$, and we had to wait until Monday.
We decided to name him Mylo like the dog from the movie The Mask, because he looks like that dog, on Sunday he was very active, and we tried not to move too much for his paw, he ate normally, and the painkillers did their job very well because he did not seem to be in pain.
In parallel to all this we took some pictures, which we published asking for help for Mylo, and to see if he had a family since he does not look like a street dog, thanks to the generosity of several people we managed to raise $30, and the clinic where we did the x-rays, after hearing the story of Mylo, decided to give us a discount, so the plates had a cost of $20, with the $10 left over we bought him the pill for the ticks, which obviously he was not lacking.
The diagnosis of the X-rays was a displaced fracture of both bones of his left front leg, surely it is necessary to have surgery.


Today Mylo is still in our shelter, waiting for the traumatologist to tell us what kind of intervention to do and the cost of it.

It is something I would definitely do a thousand times more without thinking about it, it was impossible to leave him, injured, alone and scared, besides I think it is no coincidence that the church activity was in the park, that it was extended, that we left just at the time that Mylo was run over, that we were just there, at the scheduled time, 5 minutes before or after and we would not have seen him.
Everything happened for a reason and it was destiny to help him.

If you want to collaborate with Mylo, contact me, or with a Corazoncito in this post will be enough, as the proceeds here will be for his surgery.

Thanks for getting here

images by the author

editing app: canvas+img canvas

translator: DeeLp


Ayyy amiga que buen corazón, ojalá logren recaudar lo necesario y puedan operarlo sin tanto gasto, Dios a mí eso siempre me preocupa los gastos que genere un accidente así a nuestros perritos. Te deseo suerte y todo pasará pronto amiga ya lo verás. Saludos

Grcaua amiga, en nombre es de dios por este medio esteremos informando

I faced that horror like yours sometimes when we have that little amount and the pets have to go through some expensive procedures. It's why I talked about it in my current post that we somehow need to have budget and even for savings for our pet. I hope Mylo will recover soon and he'll be back healthier like he used to.

This is what we should have, of course Mylo did not have it until the accident, and nobody expects something like this, the important thing is that we have it safe and we will do everything possible to operate it.

Situaciones como esta me hace creer en que todavía existen personas buenas en el mundo 🥺 espero puedan recaudar para su cirugía y que todo salga bien para que mejore pronto 🙏🏽💗 te dejo un pequeño aporte.

Gracias amiga, hacemos lo mejor que se puede,

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Hola amigo @anibalc, estoy segura que Dios te abrirá todas las puertas para la operación de Mylo, es como usted dice las cosas pasan por algo.

Estamos pendiente, continuará en otro Post para ver como sigue Mylo.

Amén así es, vamos paso a paso