[ESP/ENG]Un príncipe azul.//A prince charming.

in Hive Pets4 years ago
Buenas tardes mis queridos amigos Hive, espero esten todos bien. Después de una fuerte lucha contra en Covid 19, luego de pasar esta horrible experiencia aca estoy nuevamente, ya recuperado totalmente gracias a Dios para mostrarles esta dura, pero hermosa historia de desprecio y amor.
Good afternoon my dear friends of the hive, I hope you are well. After a strong fight against Covid 19, after going through this horrible experience here I am again, fully recovered, thank God for showing you this harsh, but beautiful story of contempt and love.


"Hope, nuestro hermoso principe azul"

"Hope, our beautiful prince charming"


Se llama "Hope" o "Esperanza". Llego al refugio hace algunos días, ya que su antiguo dueño los iba a sacrificar por ser diferentes y como él los llamo " Son horribles" Nació diferente y no por su culpa, al parecer fue reproducido en hacinamiento de conejos de un criador, ya que esta rareza sólo se da por apareamiento entre descendientes de sangre directa, entre hermanos, padres o descendientes sanguíneos en línea directa.
It is called "Hope" or "Esperanza". He arrived at the shelter a few days ago, since his former owner was going to sacrifice them for being different and as he called them "They are horrible" He was born different and not because of him, apparently he reproduced in crowded rabbits from a breeder, since This rarity only occurs by mating between direct blood descendants, between siblings, parents or direct blood descendants.


Un amigo de la familia nos llamó y nos habló de un par de conejitos que habían nacido sin pelos en sus cuerpos y que sería sacrificados. De inmediato fuimos a buscarlos y los trajimos con nosotros, aún no habían abierto sus ojos y no nos importo, así los llevamos y estaban muy mal nutridos porque habían sido separados de su madre un dia antes. Lamentablemente para uno ya era muy tarde y no pudimos hacer mucho por el y murio al dia siguiente, pero Hope si lo esta logrando poco a poco.
A family friend called us and told us about a couple of bunnies that had been born without body hair and would be euthanized. We immediately went to look for them and brought them with us, they had not opened their eyes yet and we don't care, so we took them and they were very malnourished because they had been separated from their mother the day before. Unfortunately for one, it was too late and we couldn't do much for him and he died the next day, but Hope is doing it little by little.


Al leer este artículo y consultarlo con la veterinaria la Dra. Adriana Suárez, que es la veterinaria que trabaja con nuestro refugio "La gracias de Dios", que es el lugar donde albergamos muchos animales en peligro de vida, maltrato y abandono, me pude dar cuenta lo especial que sería para nosotros tener a Hope como un miembro más de nuestra gran y hermosa familia.
By reading this article and consulting with the veterinarian Dr. Adriana Suárez, who is the veterinarian who works with our refuge "La gracias de Dios", which is the place where we house many animals in danger of life , abuse and neglect, I was able to realize how special it would be for us to have Hope as one more member of our great and beautiful family.
Hope vive con una madre sustituta y con 2 hermanos, aunque es más pequeño y diferente sus hermanos lo aceptan y su nueva madre lo limpia, alimenta y enseña a comer hierbas, concentrado alimenticio y a tomar agua, siempre está acurrucado con sus hermanos por el frío y le hicimos una camisa para ayudarlo abrigado.
Hope lives with a surrogate mother and 2 siblings, although he is smaller and different, his brothers accept him and his new mother cleans him, feeds him and teaches him to eat herbs, concentrated foods and drink water He's always snuggled up with his brothers from the cold and we made him a shirt to keep him warm.



Miren lo hermoso que se ve con su camisa, está muy activo y atento.

Look how cute he looks with his shirt, he is very active and attentive.


Siempre he pensado que cualquier ser vivo merece amor, respeto y una oportunidad en la vida.
I have always believed that any living being deserves love, respect and a chance in life.
El cuento de El Patito Feo es uno de los cuentos infantiles de "Hans Christian Andersen". Ser diferente a los demás no debe avergonzar a nadie, y mucho menos a nuestros niños, ya que de eso depende el cómo enfrenten su futuro.
The story of The Ugly Duckling is one of the children's stories from "Hans Christian Andersen". Being different from others should not embarrass anyone, least of all our children, since the way they face their future depends on that.
Recuerda, que no importa nacer en el corral de los patos, siempre que uno salga de un huevo de cisne, y eso nos trae la esperanza de que el ser diferente puede redundar en un futuro hermoso.
Remember, it doesn't matter being born in the duck pen, as long as one is born from a swan egg, and that gives us hope that being different can lead to a beautiful future.
Si nuestros hijo está triste porque se siente diferente, no dejen nunca de decirle lo especial que son y hablales el cuento de "El Patito Feo".
If our kids are sad because they feel different, never stop telling them how special they are and tell them the story of "The Ugly Duckling."


Gracias por visitar mi blog, nos vemos muy pronto..

Thanks for visiting my blog, see you very soon..

Sean felices sin importar las circunstancias.

Be happy regardless of the circumstances.


This is fantastic thank you for helping these poor rabbits just because they are born different doesn't mean they don't deserve life, keep us updated on the progress.

Good afternoon, thanks for reading and commenting on my post. I have always liked to help animals that need help, that is why I have created a shelter for abandoned animals that endanger their safety and their lives: I would like to help more animals, but it is difficult because I do not have any help only that of my family and mine, thank you

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I have 3 beautiful girls, Austria Africa and Australia, these are not only noble animals, but beautiful.

Many people are unaware of the crossbreeding between them, obviously it is almost the same as the incest that humans do, the crossbreeding causes great changes in their genes.

How happy I am that you are able to take care of him, I hope he is very well, and happy for his big heart. Best wishes to her or him, and to you.

Good afternoon, it's a male rabbit, I took him to the vet to check his health and everything is fine, thank God, I also have a 2-year-old female rabbit, it is very delicate to have this type of animal since they need special cages to sleep with heating, they will never reproduce, they will only live happily in their new home full of love and care, thanks for reading my post. For me it is a pleasure to read your comment and to be able to respond to you. Thanks...!!