Hey meow there, Hive catnip connoisseurs! It's me, Fluffy, gracing your screens with my presence once again.
So, picture this: I'm sprawled out under the couch, purrfecting my lounging technique, when the littlest human in the house ambushes me with his mom's phone. Apparently, the lighting under the couch – which is totally pawsome for napping – is just purrfect for his "artistic endeavors." Hello, invasion of purrvacy much?
And then I saw it. My eyes! They were practically glowing! Gotta admit, I do look pretty beautiful with my night vision activated, wouldn't you agree?
But noooo, Little Man wasn't satisfied with just one glamour shot. He pranced around with a shiny object, trying to capture me from every angle. "The shadows look cool," he mumbled. Whatever that means. Listen, Little Man, this ain't no meowdel casting, I just wanna snooze!
But I guess there's no stopping you, huh? Okay... I will let you take just... one... more... shot!
Fine, fine. One more picture, just to appease the paparazzi. But this better be the last one, or I'm outta here faster than a yarn ball chased by a laser pointer!
Okay, okay, maybe just one more. After all, a cat can't resist their own adorableness. Zoom in on those peepers, little human! See? They're hypnotizing, right? I told you, I'm purrfect! Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a very important napping appointment with the sunbeam over there.
Shot through mom's smartphone.Photography by: Little Man @divinekids
All photos are owned by the author unless stated otherwise.