Hello Hoomans! Hello HivePets! I will introduce to you anothe fur baby. She have been featured in a lot of my blogs and she was even in my footer before. I have shared some stories about here but not her story from the beginning.
October 2020, two puppies were welcomed in Shandee’s house. She adopted it from a former co-worker turned friend. Initially, she was only going to adopt one but ended up with 2 puppies. Mixed bread of German Shepherd, Labrador and Aspin (local Filipino dog) They were named Sai and Ino. Both names were from the Japanese anime, Naruto.
To cut the story short, Ino died due to Parvovirus. A week after that, Sai also had the virus but she survived. We were so heartbroken when Ino died because she was with us for a very short period of time. We thought that Sai wouldn’t make it but she did. She got so weak, got so skinny and lost all her energy but the medicine worked on her and she regain her strenght.
Fast forward to now, Sai is li ving with Shandee in Talamban and I pay them a visit from time to time. Some of my co-Hivers already met Sai last week after our meet-up.
Sai always get the attention of strangers whenever we walk around IT Park. Might be her white coat, might be the fact she follows me around without a leash, might be she’s beautiful or it’s me who is holding her.hahahahhaha.
Sai likes to walk on the grass than in concrete. I get really tired whenever we hangout because I need to run with her and she loves chasing me. She’s not fond with other dogs aside from Coco, the other dog that lives in their house.
Sai have been with us for over a year now and she brought so much fun memorie to our lives and to the people she met. No one can’t ignore the fact that she’s really adorable. She’s a very sweet dog. I can’t wait to share more of her adventures with us. For now, lets all welcome, SAI!
Asa Si Klause blogs about his travels, vegan lifestyle, yoga practice, his fur babies and anything that gives joy to him.
If you love to see more of his content, hit that Follow button, and you might find new places, make more recipes, and practice yoga with him. For blog collaborations or inquiries, feel free to contact him on his social media channels or email him at [email protected]
Baby Sai, we miss you. 🥰🥰
Mag walking nasad ta puhon. 😊
Yes. Puhon2. Then mu.eat nya ta sa Sugbo.
Yessss hehe ang di muuban downvote 😂😂
Hahhaaha. Kuyawan na daun.
Hahaha true hehe pero puhon if okay na adto tas inyuha
Yes please. Hahahahaha.
Hahaha mga laagan kaayu
SAI girlalosh 💜💜💜 Ino is looking after Sai for sure👼🤍👼
Ino is watching us always and helped Sau through her recovery!
Sorry for your loss. It's nice how much you spend time with your dogs. If you're into chilling with your dog in your living room, I have some good music track suggestions:
It's from Clairo. The song is called "Joanie" from her dog's name. There are no lyrical vocals in the song, but there are parts of the song that come from Joanie, like her snore. I think this song perfectly encapsulates the intimate moment you share with your pet. I suggest you try. Hehe
Hi Eu. It’s nice to hear from you again. Hehehheeh. Thank you so much for your suggestion. I love spending time with my dogs because it makes me happy and it makes them happy too.
I will check that song. Thanks Eu
Yes, nice to hear from you too!
A fighter ❤️ Hello Sai 😍
She is! We were amazed that she survived knowing how deadly the virus is
😭 Magsakit jud ako dughan basta reading things like this. Sorry for your loss. I know how it feels. But glad Sai survived. She gets the attention of people because she really looks cute and friendly. Perhaps maigan ra niya tamo sa IT park puhon. 😂
As much as I want to tell more about Ino’s passing, it’s too hard for me to go back to that moment to type. Too much emotions. We were so grateful that Sai made it through and she’s been healthy ever since.
Hoping to see you sa IT. We usually ho ther every Sat or Sun around afternoon. But we missed already last week since I’m here in Negros and also next week. I do miss her so much.
Hello Sai, you're so cute and adorabe dog 😍
Thank you so much for the compliments!! Ehhehehe
Sai is such a cutiee and brave dog💙💙💙 Ino is so happy seeing Sai healthy and happy today💓
That is for sure. Thank you for rhe kind words.🤗🤗🤗
Keeping dogs as pets is very difficult!
It is good that you especially love dogs. However, the hairs, parasites and diseases of dogs are harmful to humans.
I am concerned about your health!Dear @asasiklause , The expression on your face as you hold Sai in your arms looks very tired.😯
Thank you for your concern.
What a beauty. The photos are awesome. I love the outfits too haha. Just so sweet.😊
Thank you for the compliments. Unfortunately those outfits no longer fits her. Hahahahahah.
Welcome to the community Sai! can't wait to read more stories of you :D
Thanks for the warm welcome @macchiata ! 🤗🤗🤗
Pebbles and I would love to meet you😘
Puhon2. Dog play date soon.
yaaassss!!! soon💖
Sai the survivor! 😍🤗 I can't wait to see you too Sai. Pakomota nya ko pohon ha. 😄🤗
Sureeee. Dli mn sd n mamaak. Ahahaha
Hello sai 🐶❤️
Hello there! Sorry for the super late reply. it been such a busy week. hhehehe