Hi, this is Maple, the cat. Did I mention that we cats like to...let's call it "relax" in a quite unique way?
Like how Bambi did it:
Who says you need oxygen?? Bambi is the living truth that breathing is overrated :D
Or how about a bit of cat yoga?
This cutie was Samson (RIP) he lived with my humans before we came to them, and boy did he love those cuddles, and his weird yoga positions. My humans always said he is actually a dog in a catsuit.
You get the idea, right?
How about this one? I called it the upward-facing belly, that is Bambi by the way
How about my brother Bats, he is still young, but he certainly tries:
Okay, but we can even relax with something ON us...like this:
The gray big one was Felix (RIP) and the one underneath the cushion was Samson.
Do you have cats that like to nap like this? And do ever wonder something like "How can this be relaxing?"
My human is constantly asking that :D I don't know why
And I don't know what happened here. My humans were just focusing on those cards...and then I just took a nap and now I'm kinda part of the game. My human lost, but I donÄt know why, again. I'm just taking Bambi as a huge inspiration:
Well, I have to say Bambi has an amazing balance (those are empty eggshells, by the way, Bambi is the record holder in this family, gold medal for balancing two empty egg shells)
But other than that I am the most "normal" in this family
See? total normal sleeping position. By the way that was the first year I was rescued, and my human was so happy that I came to her, but I was still a bit unsure, that's why my eyes are still a bit scared.
So, do you have humans that sleep in a weird position? Or are you cats and dogs sometimes a bit "different"?
Be nice to us cats
Love meow