I'm just going to rant. It may not be translated into spanish until later. Pardon me, if you will.
But all is well and that is all to say, that we haven't gotten to check in on Pelusa kitty, still living outside by the school. Also, it meant a night on a bus and therefore away from Milho, who then stayed inside the couch Monday night as well, afraid to come to my room and bed.
It's challenging feeling like Milho's trust is still a delicate thing and knowing that I will have to travel again the 12th through the 17th. Last night he slept on top of my legs for a little while though, so that is progress. And once back here on the 17th, I'll be able to start settling in more for at least about 9 months before I'll need to go do another travel for tramite... Ojala!
In a little while here, we are going to go and look for Pelusa, and we are hoping to take her back to the vet's office today. If they say that she is ready, maybe she can be castrated today. There are lots of lovely people working on finding her a forever home. Just today, I reached out to another lady who is an apparent animal lover and helper, and made a new friend and contact in the area who also offered to help spread the word to find a home for Pelusa. Wish us luck.
Luis who owns the print shop, said that he brought her food on Monday, but hasn't seen her since then.
This week has been a little bit hectic for @meveronicas and I both. We needed all of yesterday really to recuperate from an errand in the big city on Monday. The travel to and from was 5 hours on the way in and 7 on the way back and Monday itself was a bit heavy; it was an adventure in the shart that is fiat currency and the gatekeepers of it's use.
Es una bella gatita, obvio va a tener un hogar pronto 😍
Gracias @uri07 un abrazote