My story with Sammy

It's very funny the way I came to find her, I've always loved dogs, and, for those times, I just moved to a new place with my husband so I was decided to have a pet, I wanted so much a puppy. One day I was walking around the beach, that nowadays I'm still living there, and I heard sutble barking coming from the rocks at the bottom of the beach and she was crying so badly, alone, dirty and full of sand.
I took her immediately, I didn't care if she smelled bad or if my husband wouldn't agree, I loved her in the very first moment I saved her. She was an adorable puppy, and as the days were passing my husband also came to love her. In a matter of days I was buying everything what was necessary to pamper her. Some people laughed about me, they didn't understand that a dog is not just an animal, It can be a friend, a trully friend but I didn't care what people thought or said.
Time passed and of course she grow up. My routine became peculiar, in a manner of speaking, while my husband went to work everyday since very early until sunset, I was left alone with her and wherever I did go, she followed me even at my work place, where I work as a spanish teacher. So I started to do everything with her, cleaning the house, watching TV, listening music, even we swam at the beach or sometimes we usted to hike in the hills that soround the beach. That day was a relaxing day, the weather was cloudy, the breeze was so freshing. I was very pleased with my pet, she never bited or was agressive to anyone, she always was sweet and lovely with people, she was a very loyal Buddy.
How she loved to do hiking, her tale never stopped to move when she saw me with the dog leash, she knew for sure that we were going to walk anywere, she excited so much that even tough a neigbor didn't call her by her mame but nicknamed her "Serotonin" because she reminded him the hormone of happines. Sometimes, when my husband got day off, he refused to walk and we took a ride on his motorcycle and, yes, Sammy also came with us. I still remember how she enjoyed riding a motorcycle, her tongue always hanging out from her snout, enjoying the air, what every dog in this world enjoy to do in a windows's car.
One day, I left the door open, I can't remember what I did It, and Sammy left the house without me noticing, when I finally realized she was not inside the house, my husband helped me out to find her, and we did, she was with a boyfriend, playing mom and dad. I got angry of course, I was trying to take the best care of her because I knew she was in heat. The consecuenses of that affair ended up into a preagnancy,a couple months later she got ten puppies, and two of them died minutes after they were born. This represented a problem for me, the house I was living for those moments it wasn't enogh to rise so many puppies and I had to give m the into adoption.
Sammy was, irrevocably, my best friend, she always knew when I wan't felling well or even sad, shee laid out beside me, licked my face or my hands and stared me as if she knew that something was wrong, Sammy was always there for me, and It made me fell better knowing she was there no matter what but I took the worst decision and It was took her out of the beach. Once again she escaped out of the House, I supposed, she wanted to play with other dogs or maybe she had a new boyfriend. A car hit her and she died inmediately. When I came back home, my husband was the one Who told me. She passed away two years ago. It was really hardish thing for me, It still now. Sammy was very important for me because she was along with me in a such a complicated moments in my life. She made my problems easier or at least more bearable. I remember her always with a smile in my face, she was so good and lovely, It still hurt not having her, even my husband didn't wan't to have anymore pets, I loved her so much, and sometimes a small tear runs down my cheek.
Thank you for sharing, those a very beautiful memories.
I've been thinking of adopting a dog myself for some time now and I think you just gave it another notch in the right direction.
Please do not forget the mark she left on you, memories about our loved ones that are not with us anymore are what completes us. We are who we are because of them. And shedding a tear every once in a while is honoring them.
Hello!, I'm very glad my story with her can reach people and help them to take that final step. For me she was more than a pet, and if you are considering adopting a friend, is best snd right decision. You will never regret It, instead you will gain a trully friend.
Thank you for reading my memories, and finding the time for reply me, I really apreciate it
It's really hard to lose a loved family member (my dogs are my family). But I know I can never be without a dog. It was hard to live 10 years without a dog. I grow up with dogs and after I moved with my hubby I missed them so much. But my hubby didn't want a dog. We had lots of other pets, but it was different. After 10 years, of hard-working, he said yes to a dog. Two years later, we got dog no 2 😁 Sadly Bonzer lost his fight against cancer in January at only 10 years old 😭 Luckily we have still Chaser. Without him, I don't know what I would do. If we had the possibility we had already a "new" dog. But her in out flat without a garden, it's difficult with a puppy. We make many walkies, so Chaser doesn't really miss a garden, but with a puppy it's hard. So we wait until we moved and then we will adopt another dog. I know Bonzer would love it. Every dog has to be the chance of a good life. And that's what we will do.
i know how does it feel like. you can't even imagine you'll suffer for them, you only want them live well, you don't mean to hurt them in any way and when you realize about what you are feeling you can't see them as a dog anymore. For me, my family is very important, I can see for your words Bonzer had an incredible mom and Chaser is a lucky one for had being found for you guys. I really hope you can adopt another member for your family and create new and beautiful memories, I'm pretty sure you'll never forget your walkthrough with Bonzer but surely you still have love ti give. Thank you for sharing your memories with me, not many people can understand this, what hanppened to me with Sammy was for real, and since then I couldn't had another dog.