Hola, hola, saludos querida comunidad de @hivepets hoy vengo a contarles mi última eventualidad con los callejeritos.
Hello, hello, greetings dear @hivepets community today I come to tell you about my latest eventuality with the callejeritos.
El pasado 5 de mayo estaba buscando una perrita que por redes pasaron que tenía una patita enferma para llevarle alimento, y después de tres días logre encontrar la perrita con la patita enferma.
Al empezar a darle perrarina a la perrita apareció un gatito muy pequeño aproximadamente de un mes, a meterse en su comida y lo aparte y le di también, al pasar un ratito me iba a casa y cuando iba a pasar la carretera el gatito salió corriendo a donde estaba y casi lo pisa un carro, no dude ni un segundo agarrarlo y llevarlo a un lugar más seguro.
Mientras caminaba el me agarraba duro con las patitas y al intentarlo bajar empezó a llorar, le coloque un poco más de comida, comió un poquito pero salía corriendo a donde estaba parada, y bueno lo vi tan, pero tan pequeño e indefenso que nos dio miedo volver a dejar en la calle y no dudamos en traerlo a la casa.
On May 5, I was looking for a dog that had a sick paw to bring her food, and after three days I managed to find the dog with the sick paw.
When I started to give the dog some dog food, a very small kitten about a month old appeared and got into her food and I took it apart and gave it too, after a while I was going home and when I was going to pass the road the kitten ran to where I was and was almost stepped on by a car, I did not hesitate for a second to grab it and take it to a safer place.
While I was walking he grabbed me hard with his paws and when I tried to put him down he started to cry, I gave him some more food, he ate a little bit but he ran to where I was standing, and well I saw him so small and helpless that we were afraid to leave him in the street again and we did not hesitate to bring him home.
Bueno al llegar a casa empieza una tarea difícil con el proceso de adaptación y aceptación de mis 4 nenes peludos que ya conocen, BAMBAM, ZABAHORIA, CHARLOTTE Y GARU.
El pequeño que habíamos decidido traerlo a casa temporalmente, para recuperarlo y ponerlo en adopción, le acomodamos un espacio para el con su lugar de dormir y una cajita de arena y paso su noche bien tranquilo, al día siguiente se levantó con un ánimo muy activo, comió y luego le dimos su primer baño.
Lo revisamos bien, y tenía una pequeña herida en su cuello, vieja pero aún tenía la marca, suponemos que no la paso muy bien en la calle, ya que estaba solo en esa parte y un policía nos había comento que tenía días que había aparecido allí solo, no sé qué alma despida tuvo el valor de dejar a tan pequeño animal solo tirado allí.
Well, upon arriving home, a difficult task begins with the process of adaptation and acceptance of my 4 furry babies that you already know, BAMBAM, ZABAHORIA, CHARLOTTE and GARU.
The little one that we had decided to bring home temporarily, to recover him and put him up for adoption, we set up a space for him with his sleeping place and a litter box and he spent his night very quiet, the next day he woke up with a very active mood, he ate and then we gave him his first bath.
We checked him well, and he had a small wound in his neck, old but still had the mark, we suppose that he did not have a good time in the street, since he was alone in that part and a policeman had told us that he had appeared there alone for days, I do not know what kind of soul had the courage to leave such a small animal alone lying there.
Al tercer día decidimos que estaba demasiado pequeño para darlo e adopción, y que todavía había espacio en la casa para uno más, y bueno lo llamamos TOTORO, y es ahora el más pequeño de la manada y el nuevo integrante de la familia. Hoy cumple 14 días en nuestro hogar, y nos hace feliz ver lo tranquilo, sano y feliz que esta, sus hermanitos ya están acostumbrados a él y lo han aceptado muy bien.
Con esto sigo haciendo hincapiés, en lo importa que es la colaboración y el apoyo de todas las personas con respecto a los animales, el abandonar un animal ya sea perro, gato, lo que sea, es un apto despiadado, sé que no a todos les gusta los animales y abemos otros que los consideramos parte de la familia, pero todos podemos ayudar con un pequeño granito de arena.
Si no quieres o no puedes adoptar, ayuda a las personas que estén en la labor de animalistas a esterilizar un callejerito, sé que esto no acabara el problema de raíz, pero si ayudara un poco a la sobrepoblación de animales en la calle, ponles agua, comida, eso no te va a quitar nada a ti, pero si será mucha ayuda para ellos.
On the third day we decided that he was too small to give him up for adoption, and that there was still room in the house for one more, and well we named him TOTORO, and he is now the smallest of the herd and the new member of the family. Today he is 14 days old in our home, and it makes us happy to see how calm, healthy and happy he is, his siblings are already used to him and have accepted him very well.
With this I continue to emphasize how important is the collaboration and support of all people with respect to animals, abandoning an animal whether it is a dog, cat, whatever, is a ruthless act, I know that not everyone likes animals and there are others who consider them part of the family, but we can all help with a small grain of sand.
If you don't want to or can't adopt, help the people who are working as animal lovers to sterilize a stray, I know that this will not end the problem at the root, but it will help a little to reduce the overpopulation of animals in the street, give them water, food, this will not take anything away from you, but it will be a lot of help for them.
Seamos repetidor de las buenas labores, de las buenas obras, alimenta un callejerito, si es posible, ayuda a conseguirle un hogar, apoya a las personas que hacemos lo posible por proteger a los que no tiene voz, y sobretodo, apadrina o colaborar con las esterilizaciones. Si se empiezan a fijas más en este detalle, notaran que muchas personas estamos en esta lucha por ayudarlos a ellos sin mucha bulla.
Ayuda cuanto puedas, y vuélvete parte de la solución y no del problema, cada ayuda cuenta, no dudes en hacerlo.
Les contare más adelante como va TOTORO en la familia, gracias por leerme.
Let's be repeaters of good deeds, of good actions, let's feed a stray, if possible, let's help to find it a home, let's support people who do their best to protect those who have no voice, and above all, let's sponsor or collaborate with sterilizations. If you start paying more attention to this detail, you will realize that many people are in this fight to help them without much fuss.
Help as much as you can, and become part of the solution and not part of the problem, every little bit counts, do not hesitate to do it.
Later I will tell you how TOTORO is doing in the family, thanks for reading.
sent a tip of 10 CAT your way.MEOWTH! @fraenk has
awww... you have a beautiful heart and a lovely new furball friend!
!CATtip 10 CAT
@fraenk Thank you very much, yes he is now my little one, the baby of the 5 rescued ones that I have, and I love him madly.
this comment will be updated with transaction details once the tip has been executed and confirmed.your tip of 10 CAT towards @caroolina is processing
@cat.tips Thanks for the support.
sent successfullyyour tip of 10 CAT towards @caroolina was
Thanks for the support 🤗
@cuddlekitten I'm sorry, I don't understand what happened, did I break any rules
nah ... you did nothing wrong, just someone on this chain really dislikes stray kitten bots... they've downvoted @cuddlekitten harshly... some people really just can't let good things roll... I dunno :(
Ok, how sad, because we rather need these actions to be repeated, thanks for the support.