oh my gosh but that black kitty Sooty was unbelievably majestic hey. I know your pain though and I'm sorry for your loss. Losing a kitty to an incurable illness is terrible. I lost two cats to feline leukemia during 2020. Levi, who was 9 and an absolute cuddlebunny, and Bubbles, Squeek's sister, passed straight after him. They must have caught it at the same time. Levi's decline was gradual but Bubbles had a much harder time as he started looking ill on like the Sunday or Monday, but by Friday he was in full organ failure. It was horrific. Having to take two cats in a row to the vet to be put down like a month apart. My poor heart. Vaccinate, vaccinate, vaccinate!
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Och ! Yeah, at least when Tabby and Sooty went it was a few months apart.
We always vaccinate, but there's no vaccine for FIV, and Sooty already had it when he moved in. We knew he'd never make old bones, but we gave him the best life we possibly could. He was a small cat with a huge personality.