Hola, encontre la comuidad linda para compartir de esta historia de gatos,debo comenzar diciendo que desde pequeña temi a loos gatos, de hecho cmprobe que era una fobia que tenia hacia ellos, toda mi vida me mantuve alejada de ellos, sin ningun contacto, fue hasta ahora ya de adulta que mi hijo me pidio un gat con mucha insistencia y en contra de mi voluntad accedi a tener una gata, poco a poco fui acercándome a ella y atendiendola, debo confesar que aprendí a convivir con ella, se llamaba "Corazón" por tener por naturaleza una forma de corazon en su espalda, en esta primera foto es cuando estaba pequeña tenia como 5 meses y ya comenzaba yo hacer contacto con ell para empatizar.
Ahora un año después, es cuando sale embarazada, la cuidamos mucho, estuvimos toda la familia pendiente, hasta que han nacido 5 hermosos gatitos, todos bien la verdad, así aumentó el cuidado hacia todos.
Hello, I found a nice community to share this story about cats, I must start by saying that since I was little I was afraid of cats, in fact I proved that it was a phobia that I had towards them, all my life I stayed away from them, without any contact, It was until now as an adult that my son asked me for a cat very insistently and against my will I agreed to have a cat, little by little I was approaching her and taking care of her, I must confess that I learned to live with her, she was called " Heart" for naturally having a heart shape on her back, in this first photo is when she was little, she was about 5 months old and I was already beginning to make contact with her to empathize. Now, a year later, it is when she gets pregnant, we take great care of her, the whole family was attentive, until 5 beautiful kittens were born, all of them are really good, so care for everyone increased.
Pero esta mañana la situación se tornó fea, ya que lamentablemente no se como ocurrió pero la mamá "corazón" apareció muerta", quejándose como si alguien hubiera golpeado, o alguna pelea con un perro algo ocurriò que le provocó la muerta a esta recién mamá gata, mi impresión fue mucha, llena de tristeza , angustia, ya que unos pequeños gatos han quedado sin su mama para alimentarse, asi que se ha creado un pequeño caos, ya que los pequeños gatos no saben comer solo, de los 5 uno falleció tambien por no comer bien, ya que se alimentada solo de la lactancia de de la gata.
Las alarmas se han encendido en casa, es muy feo que su mama haya muerto y haya dejado estos pequeños que necesitan de comer, al menos unos dos meses de lactar, así que hemos decidido hacer lo que sea posible para que vivan, hemos comprado una leche para pequeños , que es esta que les muestro aqui con un tetero para gatos.
But this morning the situation turned ugly, since unfortunately I don't know how it happened but the mother "heart" appeared dead, complaining as if someone had hit her, or some fight with a dog something happened that caused the death of this new mother cat, my impression was great, full of sadness, anguish, since some small cats have been left without their mother to feed themselves, so a little chaos has been created, since the small cats do not know how to eat alone, one of the 5 died also for not eating well, since she was fed only by the lactation of the cat.
The alarms have gone off at home, it is very ugly that their mother has died and has left these little ones who need to eat, at least two months of breastfeeding, so we have decided to do whatever is possible for them to live, we have bought a Milk for children, which is this one that I show you here with a bottle for cats.
Este alimento es justo para ellos, para gatos o pequeños perros que necesitan tomar leche, la verdad es que es todo un ret, nada facil en realidad, tener que estar atentos a que coman, que aprendan a chupar la chupa del tetero para poder comer, es algo complicado, mas no imposible, se debe tener cuidado de que no se ahoguen y pues estar atentos a que cuando lloren darle de comer.
Es una situación bien difícil, ya que cuando tenemos animales ellos forman parte de la familia y al irse es una ausencia que se hace sentr, mas en este caso, aqui tengo lindos recuerdos en fotos de la gata corazon alimentando a sus pequeños bebes, es igual cuando una madre muere y deja huérfanos, se siente muy feo, mi hijo esta bien triste y llora al ver todo lo que pasa, yo he venido aprendiendo sobre el cuidado de ellos a traves de la lectura y aunque aun siento cierta fobia hacia ellos he aprendido a cuidarlos y a fin de cuentas es un ser vivo que merece atencion.
This food is just right for them, for cats or small dogs that need to drink milk, the truth is that it is quite a challenge, not really easy, having to be careful that they eat, that they learn to suck the nipple of the bottle to be able to eat It is somewhat complicated, but not impossible, care must be taken that they do not drown and therefore be aware that when they cry they are fed.
It is a very difficult situation, since when we have animals they are part of the family and when they leave it is an absence that is felt, but in this case, here I have beautiful memories in photos of the cat heart feeding her little babies, it is Just like when a mother dies and leaves orphans, she feels very ugly, my son is very sad and cries when he sees everything that happens, I have been learning about caring for them through reading and although I still feel a certain phobia towards them I have learned to take care of them and in the end it is a living being that deserves attention
La extraña muerte de la gata.
Esta situación me causa ciertas interrogantes, y hasta molestias, un año ha tenido la gata en casa y no habia ocurrido algo parecido, ningun golpe o mal trato, y me detengo a pensar que pudo haber sido una persona que la maltratò, ya que es muy extraño y de eso estamos acostumbrados a ver, ustedes saben que existe gente mala, que son felices haciendo daño a los al poco tiempo, y creo que este ha sido el caso.este, que salio y de repente alguien la golpio, ya que no volvio y comence a extrañarla, no hubo ruidos, nada de señales, fue hasta la tarde que una vecina me llamo para decirme que estaba muerta una gata frente a su casa alli tirada y que ella trato de auxiliarla pero murio.
Es muy lamentable, de hecho siento frustración de la situación, ver a mi hijo llorar al enterarse, ver los gatitos solos, de verdad que es indignante, solo espero que si fue una persona que lo hizo pues no lo vuelva hacer con otro gato inocente, estoy muy triste con esto, es injusto no saber como fue y menos que no tuve la oportunidad de ayudarla.
The strange death of the cat.
This situation causes me certain questions, and even discomfort, the cat has been at home for a year and nothing similar had happened, no blows or mistreatment, and I stop to think that it could have been a person who mistreated her, since it is very strange and we are used to seeing that, you know that there are bad people, who are happy to hurt others after a short time, and I think this has been the case. This, that she came out and suddenly someone hit her, since She did not come back and I began to miss her, there were no noises, no signs, it was until the afternoon that a neighbor called me to tell me that a cat was dead in front of her house lying there and that she tried to help her but it died.
It is very unfortunate, in fact I feel frustrated by the situation, seeing my son cry when he found out, seeing the kittens alone, it really is outrageous, I just hope that if it was a person who did it, well, he doesn't do it again with another innocent cat , I am very sad about this, it is unfair not to know how it was and even less that I did not have the opportunity to help her.
ella salia en las mañanas a caminar y retornaba enseguida, de hecho salio a eso pero no volvió más, lo cierto es que no puedo quedarme con todos los gatos. Ya varias amistades me han dicho que les regale uno, estoy enseñándoles a comer de manera que si se van puedan alimentarse solos y garantizar que no van a morir, estimo quedarme con uno, y regalar los otros porque de hecho solo quería a la mamá gata, no más gatos. Pero en vista de lo ocurrido estaré dejando uno para mi hijo, lamento tener que pasar por esto pero quise compartir por muchas razones, la primera que es triste que exista gente malvada, y la otra que cuando tenemos mascotas debemos ser responsables. Acompañarlos, cuidarlos y darle mucho cariño, ya que son seres inocentes que no elijen donde estat y somos quienes los buscamos y por ello hay que cuidarlos mucho.
She went out for a walk in the morning and returned immediately, in fact she went out for that but never came back, the truth is that I can't keep all the cats. Several friends have already told me to give them one, I am teaching them to eat so that if they leave they can feed themselves and guarantee that they will not die, I estimate keeping one, and giving the others because in fact I only wanted the mother cat , no more cats. But in view of what happened, I will be leaving one for my son, I am sorry to have to go through this but I wanted to share for many reasons, the first is that it is sad that evil people exist, and the other is that when we have pets we must be responsible. Accompany them, take care of them and give them a lot of love, since they are innocent beings who do not choose where they are and we are the ones who look for them and for this reason we must take great care of them.
¡Gracias por leer hasta el final!
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