ESP-ENG - Michay <3

in Hive Pets11 months ago (edited)

[ENG] Hello friends of Hive Pets!! I wanted to introduce you to Michay, he is a kitten that appeared in the backyard of my house. I always avoid the responsibility of having a pet, i really believe that they deserve the best, respect for their times and needs. "The day life puts a companion next to me, it will be obvious," i thought. At the beginning of the pandemic, a neighbor called me and told me: look, he showed up today, he's alone, he's cold. I automatically picked him up and he snuggled against my body, he was cold, he was exhausted, he was only about 3 months old...

[ESP] Hola amigos!! quería presentarles a Michay, el es un gatito que apareció en el patio trasero de mi casa. Yo siempre le esquive a la responsabilidad de tener una mascota, realmente considero que se merecen lo mejor, el respeto a sus tiempos y necesidades. "El dia que la vida me ponga un compañerito al lado va a ser evidente" pensaba. Al comenzar la pandemia un vecino me llama, me dice: mira apareció hoy, esta solito, tiene frio. Automáticamente lo levante y se acurruco contra mi cuerpo, tenia frio, estaba agotado, solo tenia unos 3 meses...



In the foreground is his mother. An indomitable kitten, she wouldn't let herself be petted, she only came for food and when she gave birth to Michay she brought him. I was never able to see it, but here is the proof.

En primer plano esta su mamá. Una gatita indomable, no se dejaba acariciar, solo venia por alimento y cuando dio a luz a Michay lo trajo. Yo nunca la pude ver, pero aca esta la prueba.



Hoy Michay vive una vida muy feliz, llena de amor, juegos, y muchos lugares cómodos para dormir.

Today Michay lives a very happy life, full of love, games, and many comfortable places to sleep.



The name was the only one he responded to, we tried many others but it was "Michay". I was born and raised in the mountain range of southern Argentina, from a very young age we went up to the mountains and on the way we ate a small fruit that grows from a bush called Michay, it only grows in the mountain range.

El nombre fue el unico al que el respondia, intentamos con muchos otros pero quedo "Michay". Soy nacido y criado en la cordillera del sur de Argentina, desde muy chico subiamos a las montañas y en el camino comiamos una pequeña fruta que nace de un arbusto llamado Michay, solo crece en la cordillera.


Well, is just wanted to share this little story. I hope that you have a nice sweet day with your partners!!

Bueno, nada queria contarles esta pequeña historia. Que tengan un lindo dia amando a sus mascotas!!