My Chow Chow turned into a Japanese Shiba Inu Dog. LOL

in Hive Pets4 years ago


Hello Folks!

This is Motley (Male, Chow Chow breed dog) It was his first hair cut and I did it myself.
Since the pandemic, Most of the businesses has cut half their operations and some are totally closed and our regular pet grooming center was one of those.

So I did his hair cut, He didn't give me a hard time because he was patient and calm that time. It was my first time to groom my own dog so I have to study it first with the help of some online video tutorials in youtube. I also found a cute photo of a japanese dog (Shiba Inu) and I made him look like one.

It look like he liked it though! lol
Here' more photo of him after his haircut.

