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RE: [ENG-ESP] My Cat (Minki): A Reflection On Life, Care, Loyal And Loving Companion | Mi gato (Minki): Una Reflexión Sobre La Vida, El Cuidado, El Compañero Leal y Amoroso

in Hive Pets2 years ago

Lovely you have a chance to experience unconditional love in the purest form.....enjoy....
Cats are great pets and the best friends, they always have a time to listen to you.....if you talk to them they will understand, it might sound funny but they will talk back to just need to listen and want to hear them......i had a lot of amazing conversation with my wouldn't even believe how smart they are......
So enjoy the ride...i hope Minki will stay with you for a long time....

Peace and Love!
In Lak'ech.