
I think the word you're looking for is daddim.

I don't mind you asking this. I was also wondering where you have those great environments to enjoy with Atlas. Skipper and I live and walk around in one of the most densely populated countries in Europe, namely the Netherlands.

Very nice. We've managed to tour most of EU, including The Hague and Amsterdam. We really enjoyed ourselves there. Everyone's so tall in the Nordic and I'm slightly over 6 feet 1.82m. = } I'm typically taller than most wherever we go. Holland, however, not so much!

Los Angeles, California, originally. Left there in 2017 to travelive (a word I invented) and then Brexit and Covid set the stage. Settled in on the east coast of the states now, namely the Appalachian's.

I lost my wife in Amsterdam—true story. CRAZY, true story. Quite possibly the scariest experience during the entirety of our 3 years traveliving. Lasted about 2 hours in total but each second felt like a lifetime. I had her phone.. she didn't know where the restaurant was, traffic, incapable of navigating, commotion and hustle... terrifying.