Mi conejito me despierta en la mañana/ My bunny wakes me up in the morning

in Hive Pets4 years ago
Hola hivers, el dia de hoy quiero contarles de como mi conejito ha venido a llamar mi atencion, el se llama ahome es el peludito mas amoroso del mundo cuando quiere serlo, y cuando no, se esconde en diferentes partes de la casa, actualmente uno de sus lugares favoritos es a un lado o detras de la nevera.

Hello hivers, today I want to tell you about how my bunny has come to get my attention, his name is now, he is the most loving furry in the world when he wants to be, and when not, he hides in different parts of the house, currently one one of his favorite places is on the side or behind the fridge.

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No puedo molestarme con el cuando muerde los cables, ya que si, se comio el cable del refrigerador, ya esta arreglado, y lo que realmente me preocupa es que coma cosas indebidas, aunque la mayoria de las veces solo muerde para romper las cosas.

I can't bother with him when he chews on the cables, since yes, he ate the refrigerator cable, it's already fixed, and what really worries me is that he eats the wrong things, although most of the time he only bites to break things.

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Le encanta correr entre mis piernas para recibir cariños o frutas, es muy importante que lleven una alimentacion balanceada dependiendo de su edad, ya que su sistema digestivo es realmente fragil, amo cuidarlo y llenarlo de cariño.

He loves to run between my legs to receive affection or fruits, it is very important that they have a balanced diet depending on their age, since their digestive system is really fragile, I love to take care of it and fill it with affection.

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Ahome y yo nos despedimos por hoy, les enviamos lamidas y pelos a todos con cariño, gracias por leer.

Ahome and I say goodbye for today, we send you all licks and hair with love, thanks for reading.

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Muchas Gracias!!