Dogs week

in Hive Pets3 years ago

Hello everybody! This is my first post in @hivepets community and I'm so happy to be able to share my love for animals with all of you!

Animals have always been a big part of my life. I can remember how my grandparents owned a yard with different domestic animals when I was a kid. They had goats, chickens, roosters and three dogs which were my greatest love. Since I have lived in a small apartment with my parents since I was born, I have been denied the right to own a dog in the apartment. That's the reason why I could hardly wait to go to the countryside every weekend to visit my grandparent and spend a lot of time playing with dogs. Maybe I could look for photos and dedicate some of my future posts about it.


Credit: Pinterest

As I said above, I don't have a pet yet, but previous week I visited a few friends and all of them have dogs so I want to share with you how cute and smart they are 🐾


Her name is Aria and she is my college friend's dog. Aria is 1 year and 5 months old Miniature Schnauzer. I saw her for the first time and I was suprised at how smart she is and how she is funny with some reactions, example when my friend wants to hug me, Aria starts barking loudly. As I was getting ready to leave, Aria grabbed my leg trying to stop me from leaving. She loves to cuddle and in the next picture you can see how she lay down next to my leg as soon as I arrived.


Bani (Bunny)


Oh, I've been very connected with this "little one" since she was only a few months old. Her name is Bani (eng. Bunny) and she is 3 years old English Bulldog. This is my teammate's dog. From a young age, she won me over with her sweet teeth sticking out of her lower jaw. Although I didn’t see Bunny until a few days ago when I visited my friend on her birthday, she is still as charming as she was then. I think she was also very excited to see me after so long, so she farted while I enjoyed eating the cake 😂



Another dog of my friend and teammate. Kia is a 4 year old Husky. Look into those beautiful blue eyes that emit so much love.
You've probably seen at least some of the many movies with the husky as the main character. Kia and Bunny are a real gang. The fight that will get attention first.I’d say Kia is more like a cat - she’ll come to you, cuddle for a while and then find her place in the corner under the chair, while Bunny wants to be by your side all the time.

After this week filled with hanging out with dogs, I can only say that dogs can really help in our mental state. Staying with them and that connection that reigns between man and dog is really something that has always fascinated me to research on the internet. Research says that dogs can really feel if you are a good person and when you feel sincere love for them. I believe that's true. Based on my first encounters with each dog, I now have official confirmation that I am a good person.

Tommorow I'm moving to a new apartment where I will live with a male roommate and a dog. About that I'm gonna write in my next post. Until that, I would love to hear your opinion on connection with dogs and animals in general and I would love to read your comment. Bye, bye - woof, woof!



These dogs are so cute 🥰🥰🥰🥰


They really are 😇