Hola chic@s, espero que se encuentren bien, yo por mi parte a pesar de que la vinotinto ayer no avanzó a la siguiente ronda, estoy feliz porque hicieron un excelente trabajo durante toda la Copa América y haber llegado a penales wow 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻.
Hi guys, I hope you are well, I for my part despite the fact that the Vinotinto did not advance to the next round yesterday, I am happy because they did an excellent job throughout the Copa America and to have reached penalties wow 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻.
En otro orden de ideas, hoy tocó peinar a Lucero. Desde que empezé a peinarla ha sido una tortura, pues arma un escándalo como si la estuvieran matando y pasa de ser una gatita a una salvaje y feroz leona.
On another note, today it was Lucero's turn to comb her hair. Since I started combing her hair it has been a torture, because she makes a fuss as if she was being killed and goes from being a kitten to a wild and fierce lioness.
Me parece que soy la responsable de esa actitud porque no la acostumbré desde cachorra, un grave error 🥴 y no lo hice porque no botaba casi pelitos, lo solucionaba mientras le hacía cariño, ahora sufrimos las consecuencias de mis decisiones.
It seems to me that I am responsible for this attitude because I didn't get her used to it since she was a puppy, a big mistake 🥴 and I didn't do it because she didn't shed almost any hair, I solved it while I was giving her affection, now we suffer the consequences of my decisions.
El cepillo no la maltrata en lo absoluto pues, sus puntas son redondeadas como un cepillo masajeador, pero, ella se rehúsa a relajarse.
The brush doesn't mistreat her at all because, her tips are rounded like a massaging brush, but, she refuses to relax.
Otra cosa que noté es que por muy agradable que es el cepillo, no es el adecuado para ella, es un cepillo básicamente para desenredar y Lucero tiene el pelo corto, por lo que paso más tiempo del necesario para retirarle los pelos muertos, cosa que empeora su estrés, así que debo comprar otro tipo de cepillo para que sea más efectivo y rápido el cepillado.
Another thing I noticed is that as nice as the brush is, it is not the right one for her, it is basically a detangling brush and Lucero has short hair, so I spend more time than necessary to remove the dead hairs, which worsens her stress, so I have to buy another type of brush to be more effective and faster brushing.
Si alguien sabe cómo puedo hacer para reducir su estrés y hacer del peinado una experiencia placentera, por favor, no dude en dejarme un comentario 🙏🏻.
If anyone knows how I can reduce his stress and make combing a pleasant experience, please feel free to leave me a comment 🙏🏻.
Fotografías tomadas con mi móvil Infinix Hot 10
Traducción DeepL.com
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It is true, the Venezuelan team has done a great job, it is a shame that it was eliminated
How beautiful Lucero is, but apparently he doesn't like to look good, since he doesn't want to comb his hair.Hello @eleanagutierrez
Lucero es todo un personaje amiga 🤭. Gracias por comentar. Saludos 💛.