[En-Es] Hello kitty

in Hive Pets10 months ago


Cats are enigmatic animals.

Los gatos son animales enigmáticos.

Our cat Miss came home more than 2 years ago. She was brought by one of my sons from his workplace.
Someone had abandoned her there, perhaps so that he or his boss would take pity on and adopt her.

Nuestra gata Miss llegó a casa hace más de 2 años. La trajo uno de mis hijos desde su lugar de trabajo.
Alguien la había dejado abandonada allí, quizá para que él o su jefe se compadecieran y la adoptaran.


She is very cute but has caused some problems, such as breaking things, ruining upholstery by using them as scratching posts, bringing the bodies of lizards, mice, birds, butterflies and even small snakes into the rooms.
It has reduced the number of birds that frequent the yard because they fear being hunted.

Ella es muy linda pero ha dado algunos problemas, como romper cosas, arruinar tapicerías por usarlas como rascadores, llevar cuerpos de lagartijas, ratones, aves, mariposas y hasta pequeñas serpientes a los cuartos.
Ha hecho disminuir la cantidad de aves que frecuentan el patio porque temen ser cazadas.

Anything is useful to get on and be able to see possible prey better.

Cualquier cosa es útil para subirse y poder ver mejor alguna posible presa

Something very positive is that it has chased away the rats and mice that had invaded the house and those of some neighbors.
It has also controlled the presence of cockroaches, large spiders and other bugs. She has also become friends with our dogs Snoopy and Pachoncha.

Algo muy positivo es que ha ahuyentado a las ratas y ratones que habían invadido la casa y las de algunos vecinos.
También ha controlado la presencia de cucarachas, arañas grandes y otros bichos. Además se ha hecho amiga de nuestros perros Snoopy y Pachoncha.




She is docile in appearance, but does not allow itself to be petted easily.
She also hasn't accepted Crista, the blue-eyed cat who came to our roof and seems to be trying to take her place.

Es dócil en apariencia, pero no se deja acariciar con facilidad. Tampoco ha aceptado a Crista, la gata de ojos azules que llegó a nuestro techo y parece que intenta ocupar su lugar.




Crista, more affectionate, but not as good a hunter, insists on staying and sometimes seems to try to make Miss flee.

Crista, más cariñosa, pero no tan buena cazadora, se empeña en quedarse y a veces parece que busca hacer que Miss huya.





But it's impossible to get Miss to stop sleeping with mom.

Pero es imposible hacer que Miss deje de dormir con mamá.


Photos taken by me with Xiaomi Redmi 9C and Blu R1 HD devices.

Fotos tomadas por mi con dispositivos Xiaomi Redmi 9 C y Blu R1 HD.

Thank you very much for reading my blog.

Muchas gracias por leer mi blog.

Gif made with / Gif hecho con Canva
Translated with / Traducido con: Google translator.


Unrequited love for animals is caring as if a new love had been ignited. Such kindness towards animals is always accompanied by feelings of loneliness. Great photography.

Thank you @mdakash62, what wisdom there is in your words!

you are most welcome my dear mam

Hermosa gatita 😻,yo tengo un gatito y para evitar que dañe los muebles fabrique un rascador y lo usa bastante por suerte 😅

Si, es linda, gracias. Es buena idea hacer un rascador porque, por más que la regañemos, sigue arañando los muebles.

That blue-eyed kitty who comes to visit you looks a lot like my Bucky, one of my cats.

You know that cats bring leftovers from other animals home for the other members of their herd to feed as well, it's like they are bringing you food, a way for them to take care of the members of the household.

Really?, poor things, and we don't understand them!