The children of my sidewalk 🐩🐈🐒

in Hive Pets3 years ago

Dear community!

In this opportunity, I want to share the pets that adorn my sidewalk, each one with their charms and their characteristics, which cause us laughter and amazement at the feats they do.

They are all very dear little animals and each one with its own particular story.

This publication was born as an initiative to talk about "the exciting world of animals" and in this case, in their relationship with us humans, do we invade their space? Are we domesticated by them? Suddenly we can answer this and much more with these 4 stories that I bring today for everyone's enjoyment.

¡Querida comunidad!

En esta oportunidad, quiero compartir las mascotas que adornan mi vereda, cada una con sus encantos y sus características, que nos provocan risas y asombro en las hazañas que hacen.

Todos son animalitos muy queridos y cada uno con su historia particular.

Esta publicación nace por iniciativa de hablar sobre "el apasionante mundo de los animales" y en este caso, en su relación con nosotros los humanos ¿invadimos nosotros su espacio? ¿Somos los domesticados por ellos? De repente podemos responder esto y mucho más con estás 4 historias que hoy traigo para disfrute de todos.



Polo Alejandro🇻🇪

El es Polo, un Schnauzer mediano y oriental.

Tiene 7 años y solo ha conocido la calle para ir al veterinario y embarazar a su dama para tener sus 5 hijos.

No sabe hacer pipí con el pie levantado y duerme abrazado con su dueñas.

Yo considero que él no sabe que es perro, ya que actúa y hace cosas de humanos:

  • Cuando llega visita, él se sienta en la silla y escucha atentamente la conversación.

  • Cuando hay ruido en la calle, se asoma en la vereda y avisa para que los demás venga a ver el "chisme".

  • Cuando come, espera que los demás miembros de la familia estén en la mesa, no le gusta comer solo.

  • Para culminar, es tierno y le gusta que lo acaricien, pero si tocan a sus mamás humanas te haces su enemigo.

Es un perrito hermoso, cuidado y que nos enseña que si le damos potestad pueden llegar a ser "los señores de la casa".

Polo Alejandro🇺🇲

He is a medium and oriental Schnauzer.

He is 7 years old and has only known the street to go to the vet and get his lady pregnant to have his 5 children.

He does not know how to pee with his foot up and sleeps cuddled with his owners.

I consider that he does not know he is a dog, since he acts and does human things:

  • When visitors come, he sits in the chair and listens attentively to the conversation.

  • When there is noise in the street, he looks out on the sidewalk and warns others to come and see the "gossip".

  • When he eats, he waits for the other members of the family to be at the table, he does not like to eat alone.

  • To top it off, he is tender and likes to be petted, but if you touch his human moms you become his enemy.

He is a beautiful doggy, well cared for and he teaches us that if we give him power he can become "the master of the house".



Panda Alberto 🇻🇪

El siguiente personaje es Panda. Un mestizo que llegó al frente de mi casa.

Este es el vigilante de la vereda. Conoce a todos y cada uno de los miembros, los observa desde su ventana y cuando no conoce a alguien, ladra hasta más no poder.

Todos los vecinos, deben hacer una parada en su ventana y acariciarlo; a su vez, si le das algo de comida te lo agradece.

Cuando logra salirse de su casa, visita las casas y ladra para que le abras y le hagas cariño. Así que el sabe a qué casas ir je,je.

Es amoroso pero una fiera cuando se trata de defender, desde su casilla de vigilancia.

Si alguien sabe que será de grande es él que ya supo que sería el guardián de los vecinos.

Panda Alberto🇺🇲

The next character is Panda. A mongrel that arrived in front of my house.

This is the watchman of the sidewalk. He knows each and every one of the members, he watches them from his window and when he doesn't know someone, he barks his head off.

All the neighbors have to stop at his window and pet him; in turn, if you give him some food he thanks you.

When he manages to get out of his house, he visits the houses and barks for you to open the door and make him love you. So he knows which houses to go to heh,heh.

He is loving but fierce when it comes to defending, from his watch box.

If anyone knows what he will be when he grows up, he already knows he will be the guardian of the neighbors.




Gatico que viene de una familia donde fue el único sobreviviente. Es familia de uno que verán más adelante. Primo de Panda porque viven en la misma casa como "perros y gatos" ya que uno no soporta al otro.

De allí la independencia y marca de territorio de cada uno.

Goliat es más aventurero, conoce los techos de todas las casas y solo aparece en su casa para comer.

A veces, viene con compañeros de techos y otras veces golpeado por las peleas callejeras que tiene en las noches.

Le gusta andar en la vereda, y no se deja tocar por nadie, pero sabe perfectamente dónde es su hogar " el buen hijo, siempre vuelve a casa".


Gatico who comes from a family where he was the only survivor. He is related to one that you will see later. He is Panda's cousin because they live in the same house as "cats and dogs" since one can't stand the other.

Hence the independence and territory marking of each one.

Goliath is more adventurous, he knows the roofs of all the houses and only appears at home to eat.

Sometimes, he comes with roof mates and other times beaten by the street fights he has at night.

He likes to walk on the sidewalk, and does not let himself be touched by anyone, but he knows perfectly well where his home is "the good son, he always comes home".



Nutella, Azabache, el ciego, Elvis🇻🇪

En esta casa si le gustan los animales y ellos son los verdaderos dueños del hogar.

Perros, gatos, loros y hasta mono forman parte de este mini zoológico que tienen en casa.

Que si están en cautiverio, que no es el deber ser, no quiero ahondar en ese tema, solo sé que todos son bien queridos y cuidados por estos papás humanos.

Comen, duermen, tienen un techo, son casa de abrigo y enlace para el rescate de otros animalitos.

Su cuidador es mi vecino y su esposa que llora cada vez que ve un gatico en la calle y allí comienza la historia "se quedará esta noche", "está bien, solo unos días mientras se le consigue casa", "ok, ok ponle un nombre".... Y allí se quedan formando parte de esta hermandad.

En este caso, su característica principal es que a todos les gusta comer y son bien artístico: unos bailan, otros cantan, posan para la foto, duermen en el cuarto, no les gusta el sol ni el calor, hacen sus necesidades en el baño. Todos unos personajes.

Nutella, Azabache, el ciego, Elvis🇺🇲

In this house if you like animals and they are the true owners of the home.

Dogs, cats, parrots and even monkeys are part of this mini zoo they have at home.

What if they are in captivity, which is not the duty to be, I do not want to delve into that subject, I just know that they are all well loved and cared for by these human parents.

They eat, sleep, have a roof over their heads, are a shelter and liaison for the rescue of other animals.

Their caretaker is my neighbor and his wife who cries every time she sees a kitten in the street and there begins the story "he will stay tonight", "it's ok, just a few days while he gets a home", "ok, ok give him a name", ..... And there they stay being part of this brotherhood.

In this case, their main characteristic is that they all like to eat and are very artistic: some dance, others sing, pose for the photo, sleep in the room, do not like the sun or the heat, do their needs in the bathroom. They are all characters.


Photo taken from Instagram @bandycriollohouse


Final words

In my case, I don't have pets like these because they imply care, responsibility, love and commitment. In my case, I have a morrocoya named Paz and here I tell you a little bit about her 👇👇👇👇

My little girl Paz

Their care and protection depends on each of their owners and protectors; animals are free, autonomous and we can even learn from how they take care of themselves and survive in their habitat.

Incorporating them into our life and our cycle, respecting their spaces and way of life, will be the best balance we can achieve on this planet and thus give them a dignified quality of life while they are among us.

It has been nice for me to show them to you and I hope you liked this tour.

The translator used is Deepl.

The pictures are taken with my Moto Zplay cell phone.


Palabras finales

En mi caso, no tengo mascotas como estas porque ellas implican cuidado, responsabilidad, amor y compromiso. En mi caso, tengo una morrocoya que se llama Paz y aquí les hablo un poco de ella.

Su cuidado y protección depende de cada uno de sus dueños y protectores; los animales son libres, autónomos y hasta podemos aprender de como se cuidan y sobreviven en su hábitat.

Incorporarlos a nuestra vida y nuestro ciclo, respetando sus espacios y modo de vida, será el mejor equilibrio que podemos lograr en este planeta y así darles una calidad de vida digna mientras estén entre nosotros.

Para mí ha Sido lindo mostrarselos y espero que les haya gustado este paseo.

El traductor usado es Deepl.

Las fotografías son de mi autoría con mi celular Moto Zplay.





It's amazing how each of these dogs have awesome personalities. I love the fact that Polo Alejandro behaves humanly and exudes all the characters of humans. The fact that he wants to be master of the house is quite amazing too.

I love Panda Alberto for his guardian of the others aspiration and the fact that he looks after the others. He is worthy of this role, you guys should give it to him.. lol

Goliat being a survivor understands the realities of fending for oneself and not dependent on others for his wellbeing. I guess this is why he hated being petted and prefers to live a cold lifestyle. It's nice that he is a good son of his house, and always comes home regardless of what he may be facing outside.

You have wonderful pets around you and I compliment your little girl Paz as well.

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¡Oh, cuántas mascotas, amiga! Ciertamente, es un gran compromiso y responsabilidad, pero con amor todo se puede, amiga. Me encanta el nombre de tu morrocoya, saludos para Paz. Un abrazo, @florecitamejias