Una pequeña tortuga morrocoy de visita en mi casa / A small turtle visiting my house

in Hive Pets3 years ago
¡Hola a todos! Hace unas tres semanas encontré en el estacionamiento del edificio donde vivo, una pequeña tortuga o morrocoy, como le decimos aquí, me impresionó ver ese pequeño animalito allí, por lo general uno se encuentra gatos, perros o algún pájaro pero ¿una tortuga? ¿Cómo puede una tortuga llegar a un estacionamiento de concreto? La verdad que no es nada común jajaja, al principio supuse que quizás se cayó de alguno de los apartamentos, aunque también me pareció poco probable porque estos animales no pueden trepar un balcón, lo otro que se me ocurrió fue que alguien lo dejó allí a su suerte, eso hubiese sido horrible. Bueno, fuese lo que fuese, lo agarré y lo subí a mi apartamento.

Hello everyone! About three weeks ago I found in the parking lot of the building where I live, a small turtle or morrocoy, as we call it here, I was impressed to see that little animal there, usually you find cats, dogs or some bird, but a turtle? How can a turtle get to a concrete parking lot? The truth is that it´s not common hahaha, at first I thought that perhaps it fell from one of the apartments, although it also seemed unlikely to me because these animals can´t climb a balcony, the other thing that occurred to me was that someone left it there to his luck, that would have been horrible. Well, whatever it was, I grabbed it and carried it up to my apartment.


Inmediatamente lavé a la tortuguita, le di agua y le puse lechuga, tenía mucha sed y hambre. En el edificio tenemos un grupo de Whatsapp para mantenernos informados entre vecinos y con todo lo referente a pagos, servicios, reparaciones, etc. así que le tomé una foto a nuestro pequeño invitado y la pasé por el grupo. En apenas unos minutos, uno de los vecinos me manda un mensaje de voz todo emocionado y aliviado donde me decía que era de él, que la noche anterior llevó a sus hijos con su mamá y cuando los dejó los niños le pidieron que buscara en el auto porque no conseguían la otra tortuguita, ahí me enteré que tienen dos y que son hermanos. Le dije que no había problema, que yo se la cuidaba hasta el próximo fin de semana, que es cuando él volvía nuevamente al edificio.

I immediately washed the little turtle, gave him water and lettuce, he was very thirsty and hungry. In the building we have a Whatsapp group to keep us informed among neighbors and with everything related to payments, services, repairs, etc. so I took a picture of our little guest and passed it around the group. In just a few minutes, one of the neighbors sends me a voice message all excited and relieved where he told me that the turtle was his and that the night before he took his children with their mother and when he left them the children asked him to look in the car because they couldn't get the other tortoise, that's when I found out that they have two and that they are brothers. I told him that there was no problem, that I would take care of the turtle until the next weekend, when he would return to the building again.




El diente de león le gustó aunque no mucho / He liked the dandelion but not very much


Bueno, una semana diferente cuidando a este pequeño amiguito. La tortuga terrestre de patas rojas (Chelonoidis carbonaria) que en Venezuela es conocida como morrocoy, habita en algunos países de Centroamérica como Panamá, algunas islas del Caribe, y también en la mayoría de los países del Sur del continente como Venezuela, Colombia, las Guayanas, Brasil y Paraguay, se adapta casi a cualquier hábitat, desde bosques, densas selvas y hasta las sabanas. Es diurna, su alimentación es vegetariana y carroñera, por lo que come frutas, plantas, flores, insectos y hasta carne descompuesta de aves, lagartijas, peces, etc.

Well, a different week taking care of this little friend. The red-footed tortoise (Chelonoidis carbonaria), which in Venezuela is known as morrocoy, lives in some Central American countries such as Panama, some Caribbean islands, and also in most of the southern countries of the continent such as Venezuela, Colombia, the Guianas, Brazil and Paraguay, it adapts to almost any habitat, from forests, dense jungles and even savannahs. It´s diurnal, its diet is vegetarian and scavenger, so it eats fruits, plants, flowers, insects and even decomposed meat from birds, lizards, fish, etc.


Luego de darle un baño / After a bath


Miren las hermosas manchas rojas de sus patas / Look the beautiful red spots on his legs

Estas tortugas tienen unas hermosas manchas de color naranja o rojo en las patas y su caparazón es oscuro, casi negro, y con manchas amarillas. El macho es más grande que la hembra. En cuanto a la reproducción, son activas sexualmente a partir de los 5 años, la hembra hace un nido en el suelo, cavando un hueco de unos 30 cms de profundidad y pone entre 5 a 15 huevos que eclosionarán en un periodo de 4 a 5 meses. Las crías miden 1,5 cms de diámetro al nacer y son planas y redondas. La época de reproducción de estas tortugas en su hábitat natural es entre los meses de Julio y Agosto, mientras que las que están en cautiverio pueden poner huevos durante todo el año, esto se debe a que por lo general, los que las tienen de mascotas suelen tener varias y el macho puede acceder a la hembra sin tener que caminar mucho, todo lo contrario a las que viven en la naturaleza y solo se juntan para reproducirse ya que por lo general son animales solitarios.

These tortoises have beautiful orange or red spots on their legs and their shell is dark, almost black, with yellow spots. The male is larger than the female. As for reproduction, they are sexually active from the age of 5, the female makes a nest in the ground, digging a hole about 30 cm deep and lays between 5 to 15 eggs that will hatch in a period of 4 to 5 months. The young measure 1.5 cm in diameter at birth and are flat and round. The breeding season of these turtles in their natural habitat is between the months of July and August, while those in captivity can lay eggs throughout the year, this is because, in general, those who keep them as pets they usually have several and the male can access the female without having to walk a lot, quite the opposite of those that live in nature and only come together to reproduce since they are generally solitary animals.



El morrocoy Lobo conociendo a la gata Guillermina / Lobo the tortoise meeting Guillermina the cat


El morrocoy es una especie en peligro de extinción, principalmente por la destrucción de su hábitat, la recolección ilegal de los huevos para comercializar las crías como mascotas y debido a la caza indiscriminada durante la época de Semana Santa por su carne. Esto se debe a que en la época de la colonia, la iglesia católica catalogó a las tortugas como “peces”, permitiendo así a los creyentes su consumo en los días de asueto, costumbre que lamentablemente se ha mantenido en el tiempo. Sin embargo, el consumo de la carne de morrocoy es más popular en las regiones del llano y pueblos del interior de Venezuela. Cabe resaltar que la venta de esta carne está totalmente prohibida, por ser una especie amenazada. En Venezuela es una mascota muy popular y querida, sobretodo para quienes viven en casas con jardín.

The morrocoy is an endangered species, mainly due to the destruction of its habitat, the illegal collection of eggs to market the young as pets, and due to indiscriminate hunting during the Easter season for its meat. This is because in colonial times, the Catholic Church classified turtles as "fish", thus allowing believers to consume them during the holiday, a custom that unfortunately has been maintained over time. However, the consumption of morrocoy meat is more popular in the plain regions and inland towns of Venezuela. It should be noted that the sale of this meat is totally prohibited, as it is an endangered species. In Venezuela it´s a very popular and beloved pet, especially for those who live in houses with gardens.


La lechuga le encanta / He loves lettuce



Regresando con nuestro amiguito, mi vecino me dijo que de seguro se cayó o se salió por el hueco de la caja cuando los niños se montaron en el auto, me contó que se llama Lobo y su hermano Águila, que se los trajo de Calabozo (un poblado del estado Guárico), de donde él es. También me explicó que darle de comer, aunque yo ya sé que les gusta a estos animalitos. Las tortugas son animales muy interesantes, puede que a algunos les parezcan aburridas pero pueden ser muy simpáticas y divertidas, basta con compartir un rato con ellas para conocerlas e interactuar y lo comprobarán.

Returning with our little friend, my neighbor told me that surely he fell or went out through the hole in the box when the children got into the car, he told me that his name is Lobo (Wolf) and his brother's mame is Águila (Eagle), he brought them from Calabozo (a town in Guárico state), where he is from. He also explained to me what to feed him, although I already know what these little animals like. Turtles are very interesting animals, they may seem boring to some but they can be very nice and fun, just spend some time with them to get to know them and interact and you will see for yourselves.


Adorable, tierno y fascinante / Adorable, tender and fascinating




Mientras estuvo en mi casa le di lechuga, cambur y la parte suave de la hoja de repollo. Es apenas un bebé así que hay que darle cosas que sean suaves. Es fascinante ver como come. Al ser tan pequeño, le ponía agua en una tapa y lo metía ahí para que bebiera, hundía su cabeza y se refrescaba jejeje. Cuando terminaba de comer se iba a esconder en cualquier esquina. No lo puse en una caja sino que lo dejé suelto en el balcón para que pudiera caminar a sus anchas.

While he was at my house I gave him lettuce, banana and the soft part of the cabbage leaf. He is just a baby so you have to give him things that are soft. It´s fascinating to see how he eats. Being so small, I put water in a lid and put him there to drink, he sank his head and cooled off hehehe. When he finished eating he would hide in any corner. I didn't put him in a box but left him loose on the balcony so he could walk about freely.


Es tan lindo / He is so cute



Puede que tengan fama de lentos pero cuando estos animalitos empiezan a caminar se pierden y se esconden en los lugares más insólitos jajaja. Una mañana que le puse de comer en el pasillo, cuando regresé ya no estaba más allí, lo busqué y nada, lo dejé tranquilo, en la tarde volví a buscarlo y resulta que se había escondido detrás de una maleta en el cuarto de mi hermana jajaja.

They may have a reputation for being slow but when these little animals start to walk they get lost and hide in the most unusual places hahaha. One morning I fed him in the hallway, when I came back he was no longer there, I looked for him and nothing, I left him alone, in the afternoon I went back to look for him and it turned out that he had hidden behind a suitcase in my sister's room hahaha.




Ze Pequeña siempre queriendo curiosear todo jajaja / Ze Pequeña always wanting to snoop around hahaha

Como todo animalito que aún es un bebé, son muy lindos y provoca estarles tomando fotos a cada rato jejeje y pues aproveché y le hice varias fotos. Tengo una tortuga de agua, Juanito, así que estoy familiarizada con esta especie, los puse juntos pero a Juanito siempre le han gustado más los gatos que sus parientes reptiles jajaja. En las noches, Lobo se escondía en un rincón para dormir.

Like any little animal that is still a baby, they are very cute and that makes you take pictures of them all the time hehehe and well I took advantage and took several pictures of him. I have a water turtle, Juanito, so I'm familiar with this species, I put them together but Juanito has always liked cats better than his reptilian relatives hahaha. At night, Lobo hid in a corner to sleep.


Mmmm, rico cambur/ Yummy, delicious banana




El encuentro de dos reptilianos jejeje, conociendo a Juanito / The encounter of two reptilians hehehe, meeting Juanito

El fin de semana llegó su dueño y se lo entregué. Todos contentos, el papá y los niños porque recuperaron a su mascota, el pequeño Lobo porque regresó con su familia y con su hermano Águila y yo porque lo salvé de ser pisado por algún auto y porque me divertí teniéndolo unos días en casa.

The weekend its owner arrived and I gave it to him. Everyone was happy, the father and the children because they got their pet back, little Lobo because he returned with his family and his brother Águila, and I because I saved him from being hit by a car and because I had fun having him at home for a few days.


En algunas culturas las tortugas representan la sabiduría / In some cultures turtles represent wisdom




Bueno amigos, hasta aquí por hoy. Espero les haya gustado este pequeño amiguito y recuerden enseñarles a los niños el respeto hacia los animales y que ellos, al igual que nosotros son seres que sienten y merecen amor.

Well friends, so far for today. I hope you liked this little friend and remember to teach children respect for animals and that they are beings who feel and deserve love just like us.

Todas las fotos fueron tomadas por mi / All photos by me

Gracias por leer, compartir, apoyar, votar y comentar.

Hasta la próxima.


Thanks for read, share, vote and comment.

Until next post.



Aww, look at the cutie :) He was lucky that it was you who found him and took care of him :) You took some really nice pictures of your new little friend. I just don´t understand why the amazing and long posts of yours like this one rarely get any significant support from curators. Let me do something about it ;)

@tipu curate 2

Hey! First of all, thanks for always support my posts and appreciate the content I write🤗. Well my friend, that's something I would like to know , too hahaha 🥴 and believe me that it's also the reason that has made me feel disappointed many times and that's because I haven't been as constant as I would like. My sister always says to me that constancy is important to be taken into account here in Hive Blog, maybe is true because I have seen that Hive rewards more quantity than quality, I mean, I know my posts are good hahaha but maybe the curators don't like me or there isn't any rocker curator here hahaha 🤷🏻‍♀️ Have a nice day or night 🤘😺

Right. I totally understand you. I don´t really know why so many of your posts get ignored either. I can ask some friends who work as curators in several communities here on Hive if you were not accidentally put on some black list or something like this... Because it´s really strange :/ And I can imagine how discouraging it can be for you. I wish I had more Hive Power so that my votes would be worth more... Have a nice day too! :)

Yes, it has been very discouraging many times ☹️ Well, due to my inexperience I was once in a blacklist, you can read that terrible story here 🥴 hahaha, don't worry, it's a short story hahaha. Your votes and support are really appreciate by me, thanks again 🤗🤘😺

Totally understandable with newbies, I actually made a similar mistake in my early days here... Let me ask my curator friends about you ;)

Hahaha 🥴 thank you 🤗😺🤘

¡Qué lindo post, me encantaron las fotos!

Muchas gracias @sofathana 🤗 cuando el que posa es lindo las fotos sólo pueden salir bellas jejeje

Such a cutie little one. Glad you found him. So adorable 🥰

Thank you for reading and supporting my post 🤗🤘😺

You're welcome deary! Wishing you a good day 💖