here. The following months with Max had been all fun and joy as we experienced life with him and all our other pets.A few months ago we were blessed with a new addition to our family. A rabbit so cute and furry whom the kids named Max. I did a post on him to introduce him to the Hive Pets community and at the same time as my entry to the @ocd sponsored community boost contest. The link to that post is
As you can see from the photos above, Max did get along quite well with our pet cats. It is so sweet seeing him hanging around with them or them with him.
However, last week, a most unfortunate incident happened that resulted to our losing Max. One of our pet dogs, Patch, somehow broke loose from his chain. It must have been in the wee hours of the morning and everyone in deep sleep. We did not hear Patch running around the garden and chasing all the cats and, yes, unfortunately, Max. And although Max was inside his cage, he must have been so scared that he was able to scale the screen barrier of his cage and ran to the back towards the laundry area where he hid behind the washing machine. Patch, of course, followed and kept barking at him until finally I woke up and went outside to check. I saw Patch's loose chain so I called him and locked him up in his cage. It was still dark so I thought I'll fix her chain later.
I didn't realize that Max had also broken loose and was at the laundry area. It was only later, while I was feeding the cats that I realized he was not in his cage. I asked my daughter to check on him and she said he was at the back but did not want to move. The whole day Max just laid down quietly, refusing to move and eat. And the next day he was gone. He must have suffered a heart attack from Patch's chasing her around. And although Patch will not harm anyone and probably just wanted to play with him, Max's instinct just screamed danger and that aggravated his condition.
The photo above shows Patch eyeing Max suspiciously. This was taken a few months ago when we just acquired Max.
But even in death, Max still retained his cuteness. Just looking at him, it was hard to tell that he was dead. He looked just like he was sleeping. All the while I was thinking he was sure to move when I picked him up. But he really was gone from us.
Here he is beside the grave we dug for him.
My grandson helped me cover him up, smoothing out the ground before I covered the grave with the cement slab.
The final resting place of Max. A plot in our garden where we usually bury our dead pets. You can say this is our Pet Semetary. I fashioned out a cross made from the dried stalks of our Bird of Paradise plant and laid a Bird of Paradise flower on top of Max's grave.
Goodbye Max. You are in a better place now. Thank you for all the fun and joy you have given us during your short stay with us. We will miss you.
(All photos are mine.)
Poor Max! He had a nice burial anyway. Is he one you found in a field or lot?
Yes he was the one we found at the empty lot behind our house. So unfortunate. . .😩
RIP Max, you were a treasured furbaby while you blessed your family with your life....
Yes unfortunately Rabbits don't do well with fear and their tiny hearts do suffer from heart attacks.
Also Skins from Avocados. Never let them anywhere near an Avo skin, it is extremely toxic for them and needless to say, causes death...(personal experience- totally accidental ...)
Thank you @chocolatescorpi. Indeed he was an absolute treasure, especially to my youngest daughter, who personally took care of him when we adopted him. She had a list of do's and don'ts for Max and one of them was to avoid stress and being frightened because he can easily get a heart attack and literally die of fright.
It was really an unfortunate accident and we really miss him so.
Yes, I'm sure you do. It doesn't matter what kind of a furbaby they are, they all have their own personalities and endear themselves to you more than some children even do...🤣
I miss all of mine just as much now as I did when they first died...and probably do more than most humans I know...
Rest on peace Max. That was really sad. I didn't think he died of fear at first, but after reading fully I get it. Sorry for your loss.
Losing a pet is never easy.
Thank you for your words of consolation @sofs-su. Yes, losing a pet, is hard. Especially when he or she has endeared itself to it's owner. It feels as if a void just opened and engulfed us with grief and sadness. We still are missing him especially when we see the unopened bags of rabbit pellets which now will remain sealed 😩
I am so sorry.
I have lost pets and I understand how this can hurt..
sending you prayers and hugs.🤗🤗🤗
Thanks. This is so much appreciated.
How sad poor old Max RIP 🙏
Thanks @kohsamui99. 👍
My pleasure @gems.and.cookies 👍
So sorry for the loss of Max. 🐇 We also have a pet cemetery near the forest where two beloved cats are buried. It’s good your grandson helped with Max’s burial as it will help him understand why the rabbit is not around.💙
Thank you so much for your comforting words. The burial was indeed a new experience for my grandson and as much as I tried to keep him out of it, he insisted in not only joining but helping out as well. As you can see he really was so focused on the ceremony. At least now he knows where Max is and points to the grave everytime he goes out in the garden 😊
You are most welcome @gems.and.cookies. Your grandson sounds like an intelligent little boy. ❤️
Along the way we all have to deal with the passing of loved ones and pets. Death is not a part of life we like to talk about, especially to youngsters. I think it is important to have children understand it is part of life and Max’s passing has made your grandson aware of dealing with loss.🙏
You could not have said it any better. Thank you for your kind words and insights @redheadpei. Sometimes in the midst of the sadness that follows a loss these words and counsel are just what are needed to help get over the feeling. So very nice and kind of you 🥰
Thank you.
Aww, poor Max. I'm so sorry for your loss. You've put together a really nice final resting place for him.
Thank you for your words of sympathy. Very very much appreciated. Yes, the final resting place was just the right size for Max. Even the cement cover looks like it was made for the occasion. Thanks for the visit and condolences.
Thank you so much for the support @ewkaw and @qurator 🥰
You're very welcome!
Poor little bunny :(