Nyx The Flying Volleyball Dog

in Hive Pets4 years ago

Hey Hive, It’s once again been quite awhile. To be honest a lot has happened even though the situation in Thailand is pretty uneventful and getting worse by the day. Having a new puppy and 6 dogs is bound to create a lot of experiences and I’ve been preoccupied mostly with that and staying at home for the past few months.


Nyx is growing

Nyx is almost 5 months old now and she has about doubled her size. She came in at 14kg and now she weighs around 21. She’s super playful and likes exploring. She likes exploring so much that she had to try every plant in the garden (including eating a whole plant of marijuana we had). She also managed to lick a poisonous toad (which we concluded later on, we left her for 15 min alone and she became unresponsive, high fever and her whole face swollen) in the garden and had to spend a night at the vets.

She now knows when we are going to the vets and is quite scared when we get near the place.

Her massive paws are getting bigger as well. Here's a comparison with Nat's hand..😃

We cleaned her system out of the infection and nowadays she calmed down, having explored pretty much everything there is to explore. We take her on long walkies around the neighbourhood and play football and volleyball with her in the garden. She still likes to chase and bully the smaller dogs. Stormi even managed to fall and injure her leg the other day while running away from Nyx. On the other hand she tries stealing Nyx’s food without fear as Nyx is eating.

Nyx is starting to listen more and isn't barking no more which is a blessing. She still wakes me up at 5:30 every morning to take her out pee but in a calmer matter. She just taps on her cage and doesn't really make any extra sounds. Nat just sleeps through it so I'm the one waking up early to entertain her before even the sun has come up. 😀










It's pretty funny how she plays with the ball. She jumps way out of sink as the ball bounces off the ground until she reaches it and always makes the funniest faces while in the air.

I've been helping Nat with making these resin dogtags. I'll post about it soon I guess, just need to find the time for it. We made one for each dog but Nyx seems to be the only one that isn't that bothered with it. Stormi tried to destroy hers straight away.

Yesterday Nat's dad left one of his dobermans with us as well so now the zoo is full and we have 7 dogs for at least a few more days. Her name is Ing and she's a bit over a year old. Fortunately she's pretty calm and well behaved.. so far. She's a lot smaller than most european dobermans and Nyx is about the same size as her already even though they have about a year difference.

Ing is in her heat period at the moment and since Nat's dad has a big male dog, he had to separate them somehow because Ing is too young to breed. Hense why we ended up with an extra dog for a week. So far Nyx and her are friends, they go everywhere together and seem like her stay won't make us too uncomfortable.


Here she is exploring the new environment.

There hasn't been that much going on around me other than caring for the dogs. Well I guess.. I got engaged but I think I should post about this separately. 😀 Travel isn't happening anytime soon it seems, so I don't know when will I restart with the traveling posts. I sure hope we can move around before the end of the year but with the way they've been handling the situation, I can see that dream slowly fading. I'll try post more regular at least about the dogs. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy the photos of the jumping monkey.


What a playful cute doberman I also like the idea of the resin dogtags.

Hehe Nat has made so many different and interesting designs, I'll prepare a big posts to show them all and maybe some of the process.

Nice update, Nyx is really growing strong :) Such a charming doggie lady.

@tipu curate

Hehe thank you! She sure is growing quickly! 😀

WoW, you do have your hands full taking care of 7 dogs, Dobermans are the best huge and scary looking but all heart, I use to have one years ago her name was Tanya she passed away from old age and I have never owned another dog since, Nyx looks awesome they are still my favorite dogs.

This virus seems to have gotten out of hand everywhere again we in Australia are on lockdown also and maybe for a while yet just to much bullshit we are all hating it and over it.

Oh and congratulations on your engagement wishing you both all the very best 👍

Thank you so much!
Nat's been having dobermans since she was a kid. They are very smart and kind even though TV has been portraying them as evil over the years.
As for Covid.. Unfortunately the government is handling it very poor here and we even have a night curfew so if you are outside after 9 you get fined. All stores close at 8 so between 5-8 after people finish work it's packed with people doing grosseries..

Lucky Nat having the pleasure of been around these dogs since a kid they are a amazing dog 👍

As with covid no one knows what the hell is going on we in down under are not much better of in fact it's gotten worst i am just over all this bullshit 😣

Nyx is flying doggie. 😄😄😄
She is getting big too. It seems she likes to be in a company of another doberman.

Yeah they are best friends now. Run like a pack all around the place. :)


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