My kid

in Hive Pets4 years ago

I woke up at 6am many days ago, i went to the bathroom and i returned to my bed. My mom told me that Dot was here in my room but i didn't see him.


I like to sleep with the door closed so if Dot was here with me he would be trapped. When i started to fell asleep again, he jumped on my bed and he started to bite my legs. I'd never knew the reason.


I told him to stop, and he did. It was so early for his , he should sleep again.

When i woke up i found him on my bed. Dot was sleeping with me. And when he saw that i had wake up and i changed position, he came on me. He started to walk on my legs and then he came to my stomach and he was doing "biscuits" with his legs.


Dot isn't heavy, but it's not a happy feeling when you feel that he is melting your organs 😛. He were pushing my stomach with his paws because he was just walking on me.


Well, i didn't move for 1 hour because he was sleeping between my legs. I didn't want to wake him because it's so rare for him to sleep with me.


This photo is my favourite. He was sleeping, i closed my eyes until the time pass and i felt like he was pushing me. He just wanted to make some space to be comfortable.


He was sleeping like a baby. He woke up because he scared of the noise when my mom opened the door.


And after some seconds the smell of the cooked chicken arrived to my room.


At that point me and Dot were wake up for good and the only that we wanted was to eat. Everytime he eats first and then i do.


Photos by @georgia11


your kid is super cute! Love his coat color, he's a beautiful cat.

Dot says thank you 😊