
Голям хубавец е ;) ❤️

Нали 🙏

Много ми харесват цветовете му.

Ин и ян 🙏

Дамм ;)

Просто начина по които куче гледа към стопанина си...

Обичам го повече от себе си 😁🙏👌😊



Hector seems to be a very serious but at the same time playful dog, he likes to take pictures and we are happy to see him here with us. Hector's breed is unfortunately seen as a dangerous dog, but we can see that he is a real sweetheart.

Yes .. He is very playful and loves everything that can be bitten haha ​​although the breed has such a label he is one of the dogs who give all the love in the world and love with all his heart❤️

Nothing to say just wonderfull..

Que hermoso es Héctor y que lindo el paisaje, gracias por cuidar de el tan bien!! 💓