We decided to take advantage of the fact that the weather is nice to go to the forest for a walk. The temperature was high enough (around -2, but because of the sun and cloudless sky, we didn't feel it at all), the snow was still snow, not wet mud like today ... It was enough to get dressed warmly, take the dog with you and go. I took Taco and Asia to a forest they had never been to - one that I used to go for long walks and mushrooms to before I started exercising. Later I stopped walking, because I took Taco in winter, so thanks to him and the need to exercise, I didn't have much free time. The forest is beautiful - it has a lot of points where animals and birds can eat, has a lot of roads, so there is nowhere to walk - be it hills or along the beaten track. Besides, there is a lot to look at - nice railroad tracks that go along the hill (I once climbed to the summit as it was summer ... I got tanned a lot xD), a military unit and the remains of its old elements that are no longer secured, and outside as in the forest, there are many plants. This is dominated by blueberries and heathers, and we also have a lot of Christmas trees and other conifers. Anyway, you can see for yourself in the pictures.
By the way, I got a gift from my girlfriend - an official DBZ sweatshirt!
Taco was pleased. He was running like a boar for almost 2.5 hours, once he even fell into a ditch and the poor man couldn't get out of it by himself ... I had to go get him. And probably his health (in a sense, his senses) broke down, because when I was disappearing from his sight, he looked for me and did not respond to calls, whistles, he did not even look for me by smell. Until recently, he did not have such a problem and reacted to my sounds when he didn't see me ... It's a bit sad, I will have to watch him even more during my next walks. Anyway, when we got home, he ate to the max and fell like a log for the rest of the day. With a short break for a 30-minute walk to the market. The next day he reluctantly got up and went for a morning walk (after 12.30!), Probably if I hadn't woke him up, he would have been sleeping an hour or two longer.
Postanowiliśmy wykorzystać fakt, że jest ładna pogoda, by pojechać do lasu na spacer. Temperatura była odpowiednio wysoka (około -2, ale przez słońce i bezchmurne niebo, kompletnie tego nie czuliśmy), śnieg nadal był śniegiem, a nie mokrym błotem jak dzisiaj... Wystarczyło ciepło się ubrać, wziąć ze sobą psa i pojechać. Wziąłem Taco i Asię do lasu, w którym jeszcze nie byli - takiego, do którego chodziłem na długie spacery i grzyby, zanim zacząłem ćwiczy. Później przestałem chodzić, bo zimą przygarnąłem Taco, więc dzięki niemu i konieczność ćwiczeń, nie miałem zbyt dużo wolnego czasu. Las jest piękny - jest w nim dużo punktów, w których zwierzęta i ptaki mogą się najeść, ma dużo dróg, więc jest gdzie chodzić - czy to po górkach, czy utartymi szlakami. Poza tym, jest na co popatrzeć - fajne tory kolejowe, które idą wzdłuż górki (kiedyś wszedłem na szczyt jak było lato... Mocno się opaliłem xD), jednostka wojskowa i pozostałości po jej starych elementach, które nie są już zabezpieczone, a poza tym, jak to w lesie, jest dużo roślinek. W tym dominują jagody, wrzosy, mamy też mnóstwo choinek i innych drzew iglastych. Zresztą, sami zobaczycie na zdjęciach.
Taco był zadowolony. Biegał jak dzik przez prawie 2.5 godziny, raz nawet wpadł do rowu i biedaczek nie mógł sam z niego wyjść... Musiałem po niego wejść. No i chyba zdrowie (w sensie, zmysły) mu się popsuło, bo jak znikałem z jego pola widzenia, to szukał mnie i nie reagował na nawoływania, gwizdy, nawet mnie nie poszukiwał za pomocą węchu.Jeszcze do niedawna nie miał takiego problemu i reagował na moje odgłosy, jak mnie nie widział... Smutne to trochę, będę musiał jeszcze bardziej na niego uważać przy kolejnych spacerach. Tak czy siak, gdy wróciliśmy do domu, to najadł się na maxa i padł jak kłoda na resztę dnia. Z krótką przerwą na 30 minutowy spacer do marketu. Następnego dnia niechętnie wstał i wyszedł na poranny spacer (i to po godzinie 12.30!), zapewne gdybym go nie obudził, to spałby godzinę lub 2 dłużej.
A big space, different smells and things to explore, I imagine the happiness of your dog to be able to enjoy all this. Going for a walk is a very important activity for dogs and in a way, for us it is an activity that allows us to get out of our routines and even exercise.
Yes, he was really satisfied :). I can rarely let it go, because it bites other animals (so I don't want to have any problems), and there are no problems in such a large space. By the way, we got oxygen and my girlfriend and I burned some fat :).
Your photos are amazing and how tasty it is to go for a walk in a pine forest where there are animals, mushrooms and fruits. I live in a tropical country and I find this fascinating.
About Taco, there are ages when they only do one thing and when they get home they can't do any more. When it's cold outside, who wants to get out of bed? 😂
Thanks for Ur kind words about photography ;). Yes, in our forests there are a lot of blueberries, healthy (as well as poisonous) mushrooms, you can also meet animals - in another part of this forest, my girlfriend and I saw a herd of roe deer ... About 10-15 animals: D. I had to hold Taco so he wouldn't run after them, hehe. You know, most people have something that they envy what they don't have. For example, I think similarly about the place where you live - constant sunbathing, fresh fruit that I like, it's warm. Well, you have to like and appreciate what you have :D.
As for Taco, my old man likes long walks and does not complain about them (unless it is extremely hot or cold - this winter has not been so bad so far and I hope that the weak frosts will last until spring), but yes ... He prefers eating, sleeping and eating in the first place. And the occasional stroking and scratching :D.
You're welcome :) amazing experience, hahaha that's how dogs are when they see other animals, it makes them curious. I live in a tropical country, in a mountainous area, at this time of the year it's a bit cold but it never gets to snow, I have the beach an hour away, where I can go at any time of the year and I don't go there much. I am grateful to be here because of the climate and the fresh food. Along with your girlfriend and taco, you have a nice family.
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Dragon Ball is still popular? Cartoon of tenageers twenty years ago.
Ano, jest. W Meksyku i co najmniej jednym kraju, jak się kończyło nowe anime, to ludzie zbierali się w barach lub telebimach z Euro/Mistrzostw Świata i oglądali.