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RE: [ESP] ¿Conoces a tu mascota? / [ENG] Do you know your pet?

in Hive Pets4 years ago

It is undoubtedly a very docile, affectionate and faithful dog breed. These dogs are perfect for the family, especially when there are children. From what you describe, it feels like Blanca is part of the family. Stay safe!


Hello @ hive-196708 Thank you for your comment and for your support. I greet you from the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Yes, you're right, she's very docile and part of the family, my grandson plays with her a lot, sometimes he annoys her a lot and she growls at him but doesn't do anything to him. Another thing that Blanca has is that she is always where I am but if I go out then she walks with any member of the family, she is very sociable, she loves to sleep next to one and gets into our hands or arms, she looks for the human contact at all times and is very calm but bouncy, she likes to jump to be carried but I have been told to avoid that behavior because that race suffers from the spine due to the habit of jumping. Thank you and receive a strong virtual hug full of blessings, positive energy and lots of light.

Hola @hive-196708 Gracias por tu comentario y por tu apoyo. Te saludo desde la República Bolivariana de Venezuela. Si, tienes razón es muy dócil y forma parte de la familia, mi nieto juega mucho con ella, a veces la molesta mucho y ella le gruñe pero no le hace nada. Otra cosa que tiene Blanca es que siempre está donde yo estoy pero si salgo entonces anda junto a cualquier miembro de la familia, ella es muy sociable, le encanta dormir al lado de uno y se mete dentro de nuestras manos o brazos, ella busca el contacto humano en todo momento y es muy tranquila pero saltarina, le gusta saltar para que la carguen pero me han dicho que evite ese comportamiento porque esa raza sufre de la columna por esa costumbre de saltar. Gracias y recibe un fuerte abrazo virtual cargado de bendiciones, energía positiva y mucha luz.