- The animals we can keep as pets at home are dogs and cats.
- Dogs and cats are considered domestic pets.
- Domestic animals are those that during the domestication process, which is a very long process and consists of several stages, have become accustomed to coexist with humans for a particular purpose.
- They are divided into: - Domestic companion animals: dogs and cats - Domestic production animals: farm animals that have been domesticated for work, such as horses or donkeys; or for food (meat, milk or eggs), such as cows, goats, ducks, chickens, pigs, etc.
Wild animals.
- They are those that live in freedom in the forest, jungle or sea.
- They do not depend on humans for their survival - They are not used to human contact.
- They need to grow in freedom and in natural conditions to develop social and hunting skills and to be able to reproduce by natural selection for the maintenance of the species. E.g. Pumas, tigers, monkeys, toucans, peccaries, foxes, giraffes, rhinoceroses, elephants, coatis, jaguars, turtles, among others.
¿How to care for your pet?

If you have a dog or cat, take care of it with love and respect by following these basic recommendations:
1)Provide the right food for her.
Consult with your veterinarian which is the most appropriate for your pet according to its species and age.
2)Leave water available always.
Make sure it is fresh and clean.
3) Play and spend time with her.
Give him your love and attention.
4)Provide a comfortable place.
Your pet should have a place to rest that protects him from the cold, the cold, the.
5) Take care of her health.
Take her to the vet once a year and have her vaccination and deworming plan vaccination and deworming plan up to date.
6)Educate her correctly.
A proper education avoids and prevents many behavioral problems.
Neuter your pet
Castration is a simple operation performed on dogs and cats, both male and female, which consists in the removal of the reproductive organs. The ideal age for spaying is 6 months (if their physical condition allows it) always before the first heat because it reduces to a minimum (0.5%) the probability that the animal can contract hormone-dependent tumors.
Castration myths
Benefits of spaying your pet: In females (both canine and feline):
1.Avoids estrus (and the set of nervous and aggressive males it summons).
2.Avoid false pregnancy.
3.Prevents serious and frequent diseases such as pyometra and mammary tumor.
In male canines:
1.Prevents testicular tumor and prostate diseases.
2.Decreases aggressiveness and the risk of injuries produced in fights with other males on occasion of competition for a female in heat.
In male felines:
1.Decreases the risk of wandering and/or escape. Sometimes, during the chase, males end up getting lost.
2. Decreases the risk of fights due to competition with females.
3. Reduces nocturnal meowing.
4.Reduces the strong and persistent odor of their urine.
Castration myths
I should wait until my pet has a litter to spay or neuter it FALSE. Early spaying, before the first heat, reduces the likelihood of the animal having tumors.
"My pet will get sick more easily" FALSE. Neutering does not decrease defenses, it does not have a direct relationship with their immune system. On the contrary, neutered animals are healthier and live longer.
"Only females can be castrated" FALSE. Population control and prevention of sexually transmitted diseases are not achieved by spaying only females.
Benefits of spaying or neutering your pet:
In females (both canine and feline):
1.Avoids estrus (and the set of nervous and aggressive males it summons). 2. Avoids false pregnancy. 3. Prevents serious and frequent diseases such as pyometra and mammary tumor.
1. Prevents testicular tumor and prostate diseases. 2. 2.Reduces aggressiveness and the risk of injuries produced in fights with other males in competition for a female in heat.
In male felines: 1.Reduces the risk of wandering and/or escape. Sometimes, during the chase, males end up getting lost. 2. Decreases the risk of fights due to competition with females. 3. Reduces nocturnal meowing. 4.Reduces the strong and persistent odor of their urine.

a very interesting article, especially the part of debunking the myth of spaying 😊 thank you for sharing this article!

yes it's all for the good of our pets, but I'll keep posting things about it thanks for the support @ilovewintergem :)
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