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RE: Nacimiento de nuevas crías de Morrocoyes | Birth of new Morrocoy hatchlings [ESP | ENG]

in Hive Pets4 years ago

I look at this and think of the day when I will see my two princesses (turtles) have baby turtles. But they are too small for now, let them remain innocent.

Créeme que será un día que nunca olvidaras, aún recuerdo la primera cría de Morrocoy que conseguí en el Jardín hace unos 3 años atrás, es una experiencia única, ver como salen de la tierra estas pequeñas criaturas es realmente gratificante. Saludos.
Believe me it will be a day you will never forget, I still remember the first Morrocoy hatchling I got in the garden about 3 years ago, it is a unique experience, to see how these little creatures come out of the ground is really rewarding. Greetings.