Cuando estuve en Colombia, un día llegó a la residencia dónde estaba viviendo una gatita gris muy flaca, la nombre Salen, era muy tierna y tranquila, pasaron los días, cómo ví que no se iba le empecé a comprar alimento, juguetes, su respectiva arena para hacer sus necesidades, esperaba que llegara del trabajo todos los días.
When I was in Colombia, one day a very skinny gray kitten arrived at the residence where I was living, I named her Salen, she was very tender and quiet, days went by, and as I saw that she didn't leave I started to buy her food, toys, her respective litter to do her needs, I waited for her to come home from work every day.
Un día ví que le crecía muy rápido la panza, pensé que era tanta comida, pero no fue así, estaba embarazada. Cuando llegó el día de tener sus gatitos estuve allí y la ayude, nacieron 3 primero y luego dos que lamentablemente estaban muertos.
One day I saw that her belly was growing very fast, I thought it was so much food, but it was not like that, she was pregnant. When the day came to have her kittens I was there and helped her, 3 were born first and then two were unfortunately dead.

Cuando tuvieron como mes y medio regale solo dos, quise quedarme con la más pequeña y esa fue Hela, ella pequeña no maullaba y tenía los ojos muy separados, pensé que tenía problemas y no quise que la menospreciaran.
When they were about a month and a half old I gave away only two, I wanted to keep the smallest one and that was Hela, she didn't meow and her eyes were wide apart, I thought she had problems and I didn't want her to be looked down on.
Un día la mamá de Hela no regreso de sus recorridos, la busque y no la encontré. Al mes regrese a Venezuela para cuidar y acompañar a mi mamá en su enfermedad (CA de cuello uterino) obviamente me traje a Hela, no fue nada complicado el viajar con ella, pero si me preocupaba por el calor.
One day Hela's mother did not return from her tours, I looked for her and did not find her. A month later I returned to Venezuela to take care and accompany my mom with her illness (cervical cancer) obviously I brought Hela with me, it was not complicated at all to travel with her, but I was worried about the heat.
Cuando cumplió 9 meses la esterilice en una jornada que hacen en Cabudare estado Lara.
When she turned 9 months old I sterilized her in a day that they do in Cabudare, Lara state.

Hela y Bonita compartieron mucho juntas, jugaban y se la pasaban muy bien, dormían juntas.
Hela and Bonita shared a lot together, they played and had a great time, they slept together
Hela ya tiene casi 3 años, está sana y grande, es cariñosa hasta cierto punto, no le gusta que la acaricien tanto, respeta la comida ajena, le gusta mucho comer queso, suero, yogurt, es una gata muy buen portada.
Hela is almost 3 years old, she is healthy and big, she is affectionate up to a certain point, she doesn't like to be petted so much, she respects other people's food, she likes to eat cheese, whey, yogurt, she is a very well behaved cat.

Las imágenes son de mi propiedad, fueron tomadas con mi teléfono celular marca UMIDIGI A9 / The images are my property, they were taken with my UMIDIGI A9 cell phone
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